ROH TV Recap (4/4): Okada, ReDRagon, Briscoes, Adam Cole, KUSHIDA, Young Bucks, MCMG, Addiction

Welcome to this week's coverage of Ring of Honor TV from Wrestling Inc. Today's show features matches from the ROH/NJPW tapings! Also, don't forget we'll have Invasion Attack coverage next weekend!

- We see Dijak's attack of Truth Martini from last week, and Martini being carried off. Jay Lethal is backstage doing a promo and says that Dijak has his attention, but he doesn't deserve a title shot. He said Martini tried to mold Dijak, but now it's time for his way.

ReDRagon vs. Okada & Gedo

Both teams went back and forth with Bobby Fish controlling the early part of the match. Okada was over big time with the crowd, and his team takes control towards the end. Fish is able to reverse a Rainmaker, but eats a big Okada dropkick. ReDRagon end up taking home the victory after landing Chasing the Dragon on Gedo.

Winners : ReDRagon via pinfall (Chasing the Dragon)

- The Briscoes are backstage and say that War Machine can't call themselves the best until they beat the Briscoes, which they haven't done in the four matches they've had. The Briscoes want the tag titles back.

Adam Cole vs. KUSHIDA

KUSHIDA was handling things untilt he action spilled outside, where Cole took advantage. These two laid in their strikes until KUSHIDA started to threaten with the Hoverboard Lock. Adam Cole hits a superkick to the back of KUSHIDA's head and drops him neck first across his knee to gain the victory, a rare ROH win over New Japan Pro Wrestlin.

Winner: Adam Cole via pinfall

- We see a Kenny Omega ROH Shop commercial.

- Dalton Castle hypes his upcoming Fight Without Honor against Silas Young.

Addiction vs. Motor City Machine Gun

By all means, this is a match they've been building up for well over four months, so it's surprising that they didn't put it on one of their PPV shows. Motor City Machine Guns are still as smooth together as ever. Kaz caught Sabin with an awesome slingshot cutter, but it couldn't put him away. Shelley stops a Celebrity Rehab attempt, and MCMG hit an Au Revoir on Kaz. MCMG win with a Skull and Bones on Daniels.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns via pinfall (Skull and Bones)

Addiction attacks after the match, and KUSHIDA & Sydal make the save. The Young Bucks come out and attack them, and a huge brawl breaks out with everyone. Sydal, KUSHIDA and MCMG clear the ring.

