Scott Steiner Bashes Former WWE Writer, Calls Him A 'Midget'

Scott Steiner doesn't often mince words about his disdain for the WWE and those in charge. Last night, we reported on how Steiner trashed Triple H and Stephanie McMahon in an interview with Whatculture, but it didn't stop there.


In part two of the interview, Steiner was asked if wrestlers today had the power taken out of their hands, he blasted a former WWE writer.

"Oh f–k, without a doubt. Back in the day when Macho Man and guy did their own interviews and everything. Now it's a bunch of cookie cutters. Now you have 2-3 writers writing interviews for everyone. You have Brian Gewirtz, a little midget who probably never got any (expletive) in his life and he's trying to tell people how to be cool. Give me a f–king break," Steiner said.

Steiner went on to talk about splitting from his brother Rick in 1998, saying it was simply time to make the move because they had done everything. He also said that his attitude about wrestling changed and his character needed to reflect that.


You can see the full second part of the interview above.

