Shawn Michaels Talks Not Listening To Fans About His Matches, Advice From Roddy Piper

This week on Vince Russo's THE BRAND (PodcastOne & RELM Network), I continue the second part of my interview with Shawn Michaels, as the Heartbreak Kid opened up concerning his relationship to the audience, and who he was actually playing to. In detail Shawn, discusses what motivated him as a performer.

"I just wanted to get outside of the box," Shawn said. "I wanted change. It was all about what I wanted to do as a performer."

Shawn also talked about what part the audience actually played in his performance.

"I don't listen to fans ... fans listen to me. I'm the wrestler. They don't tell me what to do. Nobody is going to tell me if my match was good – I TELL ME if my match was good!"

Shawn went on to tell me that he learned that bit of advice from the late, great Roddy Piper who instilled in him that the "follow-up" to the main event is perhaps more important than the main event itself." Something that the WWE clearly struggles with today.

Other topics Shawn tackled were his feelings concerning the rise of the Attitude Era after his hiatus, how he feels about his career and "yesterday being gone", being a Christian man and his brand new television show that is about to begin shooting.

Also this week on Tuesday's Vixen's Who Rule, Terri Runnels gets EXTREMELY intimate about making alterations to some very private parts, to surprise her husband Dustin Runnels at a TV taping in Atlantic City some 20 years ago. From there she discusses how she dealt with the passing of her Father-in-Law Dusty Rhodes–who she had an extremely rocky relationship with.

Also of note, on Wednesday's RAW: What It Was Good For, Jason Sensation brings his cast of characters to the show including; HBK, The Undertaker, Mankind, Bret Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Owen Hart. Jason goes into detail about Owen slipping him a blood capsule–without the office's knowledge– prior to him slapping the taste out of Jason's mouth. He also talks of a rib that took place while he was in a bathroom stall that he, myself and Triple H played on the greatest ribber of all-time–Owen himself!

You can listen to Vince Russo's THE BRAND on PodcastOne every day FREE Monday through Friday, while having the option of enjoying the videos on The RELM Network. All the information is at

