WWE Live Event Results From Amsterdam (4/15): Tag Match Steals The Show, Breeze Loses Twice, Reigns

Thanks to Pascal K., Aart Verbrugge, Jeroen van Dijk and for theses reports from tonight's show in Amsterdam, Netherlands:

* Lilian Garcia was the announcer and spoke some in Dutch, which was nice. Packed crowd, close to a sell out for the Ziggo Dome


* Cesaro defeated Stardust with a Cesaro Swing into a Sharpshooter, great match by both and ovations for Cesaro

* Sin Cara defeated Tyler Breeze in a good match, mostly by Sin Cara. Breeze pitched a fit after the match and demanded another match. If he loses, he will never wrestle in Amsterdam again. Jack Swagger came out to a big ovation with the Dutch flag and quickly beat Breeze with a Patriot Lock

* Kane defeated Rusev in a good big man match. Kane was very over

* WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day defeated Braun Strowman and Erick Rowan in a good tag team contest. Rowan seemed to do most of the work for The Wyatts. No Bray Wyatt


* WWE Women's Champion Charlotte defeated Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch in a Triple Threat. Huge heat for Charlotte and the opposite for Sasha and Becky. Charlotte won by stealing the pin with help from Ric Flair


* The Usos defeated The Dudley Boyz in a really good match, this felt like it had everything you'd want in a match, great chemistry between the two teams. The new Bubba Ray Dudley is entertaining. This was actually one of the best matches of the evening, if not the best overall

* WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns defeated Sheamus in the main event. Major ovation for Reigns when he came out but some of his spots during the match got booed. Reigns won with a spear and met fans at ringside to end the show

From Jeroen van Dijk:

Hey, no idea whether you got a correspondent who was at the live event in Amsterdam today, but just in case you didn't:

Cesaro defeated Stardust. Cesaro was over huge and Stardust got a lot of 'Cody' chants. Cesaro did two 619s, won with the Sharpshooter

Sin Cara defeated Tyler Breeze. A lot of 'lucha lucha lucha' chants.

After the match, Breeze issues an open challenge to anyone in the locker room, and says if he loses he will never wrestle in this area again. Out comes Jack Swagger holding the Dutch flag to a big pop.

Jack Swagger defeated Tyler Breeze very quick with the Patriot lock

Kane defeated Rusev with a chokeslam. Kane got a fairly big pop

The New Day (Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston) beat Braun Strowman and Erick Rowan to retain the Tag Titles. Strowman and Rowan didn't use the Wyatt family entrance theme and instead used some weird deep noise as entrance.



Charlotte beat Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch to retain the WWE Women's championship with interference from Ric Flair and Charlotte's feet on the ropes. Lots of woos and boos for Charlotte, Becky and Sasha both got big pops and their names chanted

The Usos defeated The Dudley Boyz. Usos got a huge pop. Dudleys got an ECW chant. During the match there was a 'clusterf**k' chant because of the Dudleys messing with the referee

Roman Reigns beat Sheamus to retain the WWE World heavyweight championship. Reigns got a mixed reaction, but got way more cheers than boos. Sheamus was booed loudly.

Attendance and crowd was way more than I expected, considering WWE doesn't even have airtime here in the Netherlands. It was a fun show for my first live event.

From Dylan uit de Bulten:

* Cesaro beats Stardust by submission. Good reaction for Cesaro

* Sin Cara beats Tyler Breeze by pinfall. Breeze wants another match and out comes Jack Swagger with the Dutch flag.

* Jack Swagger beats Tyler Breeze by submission. Great reaction for Swagger.

* Kane beats Rusev. Nothing special.

* New Day retains over Erick Rowan and Braun Strowman.

* Charlotte retains over Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch.

* The Usos beat the Dudley Boyz.


* Roman Reigns beats Sheamus by pinfall. Reigns got a mixed reaction, mostly boo's.

From Pascal K.:

I've attended the live show in the Ziggo Dome Amsterdam as VIP with Ringside ticket and meet & greet, For the meet & greet you could get a signature and photo with Braun Strowman, Rusev and Sheamus. Lillian Garcia was the ring announcer. Also, the jumbotron screen was dead all evening.

* Cesaro defeated Stardust via submission with the Sharpshooter. Good Match to start the show with, Cesaro was way over with the crowd. Lots of Cody chants, which took Stardust off his game.

* Next match was Tyler Breeze vs Sin Cara. Sin Cara wins via pinfall. Average match. Sin Cara got a good reaction, lot of boos for Tyler Breeze. After the match Tyler grabbed the mic and demanded another match, which he would win or he would never wrestle again in Amsterdam.

*Jack Swagger came out with a Dutch Flag, getting a huge pop with "We the people" chants. Tyler Breeze attacked Swagger before the match got underway, but he rebounded and squashed Tyler in a few seconds. Jack Swagger wins.

* Next up: Rusev (League of Nations) vs Kane. Good pop for Kane, boos for Rusev and "We want Lana" chants. Decent match for both. Kane won via pinfall with a chokeslam.


* Next up is the Wyatt Family (Rowan & Strowman, no Wyatt or Harper due to injuries) vs The New Day (Kofi & Xavier, Big E at ringside) for the Tag Team Titles. Good fun match, huge pop for the New Day! Probably one of the best during the night. New Day win via pinfall thanks to a distraction from Big E.


* Triple Treat for the Women's Championship with Charlotte (w/ Ric Flair) defending her title against Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks. Boos for Charlotte and her dad. Charlotte wins with a roll up on Becky while putting her feet on the ropes after Ric pulled Sasha out of the ring. Good match, nowhere near their Wrestlemania match, but good enough for Raw or Smackdown.

* Next is The Usos vs The Dudley Boyz. Winner is The Usos via pinfall. Good pop for Usos, lots of smack talk from the Dudleys. Lots of chants asking for tables, but no toys came out. But overall, good match

* Main Event: Roman Reigns vs Sheamus for the WWE World Heavyweight Title. Roman wins via pinfall by using his Spear. Good match. Huge pop for Reigns, but also some boos. Lots of boos for Sheamus. Roman kicked out a Brogue kick and got a spear for the win.

Overall nothing new we haven't seen on TV, but I found it entertaining for a first live event visit ever!

