WWE Superstars Recap (4/29): Announcer's Last Appearance, Kalisto, Tyler Breeze, D-Von, Zack Ryder

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s coverage of WWE Superstars.

- The show opens with a graphic in memory of Chyna. Shane McMahon has also been added to the Superstars intro. We also see Rich Brennan's last appearance.


D-Von Dudley (w/ Bubba Ray) vs. Zack Ryder

D-Von beats Ryder down with strikes, but misses a headbutt and Ryder goes up top. Bubba Ray Dudley grabs a table and distracts Ryder, causing him to be knocked off the top rope. Ryder is worked over for several minutes until he makes a comeback. Bubba Ray gets knocked off the apron and Zack Ryder rolls up D-Von for the victory.

Winner: Zack Ryder via pinfall

- Hey! The United States Champion is on Superstars! Wait, that happens all the time.

Tyler Breeze vs. Kalisto

Kalisto starts with early offense before he's grounded and beat down by Tyler Breeze. Breeze attacks Kalisto in the corner as Breeze works over the head. Kalisto keeps trying to mount comebacks, but every time Breeze just simply cuts him down and applies a submission hold. Kalisto flips out of a back suplex, but gets dropped again before the break.


Kalisto is selling his knee, and Breeze goes on the attack, slamming it against the apron and applying a straight ankle lock. Kalisto manages to kick his way out after an extended beating, but sells his leg all the way to a spiked rana. Breeze chops him down again and applies an awesome half crab in the middle of the ring. Breeze follows up with a Super Model Kick for a two count, and he's livid. Kalisto hits the SDS out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Kalisto via pinfall (Salida Del Sol)

