WWE WrestleMania 32: The New Day Vs. The League Of Nations, Steve Austin And Shawn Michaels Appear

The New Day vs. The League of Nations

We go to the ring and there's a 20 foot tall box of Booty O's cereal on the stage. We hear WWE Tag Team Champion Big E do the intro as the box tips over and large pieces of cereal fall out. WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day come out of the box next and they're apparently wearing gear inspired by Dragon Ball Z. They head to the ring for this non-title 3-on-3 Match. The League of Nations are out next and it's mentioned that King Barrett is accompanying them to the ring, so it will be Sheamus, Rusev and Alberto Del Rio working the match.


Kofi Kingston starts off with Sheamus and they go at it. Kofi with a big shot off the ropes first. He takes Sheamus to the corner and tags in Big E as they begin the unicorn stampede. Xavier Woods is next, then Kofi, back to Big E. Kofi comes in and Big E whips him into Sheamus as Woods plays Francesca 2 The Trombone at ringside. Kofi keeps control of Sheamus as Woods tags in. Woods works Sheamus into the corner but gets dropped. Sheamus with a big slam and a tag to Rusev. Rusev stomps and drops a running elbow for a 2 count.

Del Rio comes in and takes Woods down for a 2 count. Del Rio keeps him grounded now. Woods reaches for a tag but Del Rio stoops him and hits the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Del Rio shoves Big E off the apron. Big E runs in but the referee stops him, allowing Rusev and Sheamus to get cheap shots in. Del Rio with the running enziguri and a tag to Sheamus. Del Rio poses in the corner and fans boo. Rusev talks trash to Woods as Sheamus beats him on the apron with forearms. Sheamus with the rolling senton. Rusev tags back in, runs the ropes and hits a nice senton. Rusev unloads on Woods in the corner and tags Del Rio back in. Woods ends up dumping Del Rio over the top and to the floor. Barrett cheers Del Rio on. Sheamus tags in. Rusev takes out Big E on the floor with a huge kick. Woods drops Sheamus in the ring. Kofi gets the tag and comes in off the top on Sheamus. Kofi unloads on Sheamus and takes out Rusev when he runs in. Kofi with a Boom Drop on Sheamus as fans rally for The New Day.


Sheamus blocks Trouble In Paradise but hangs on. Barrett ends up distracting the referee, allowing Rusev to kick Kofi and save Sheamus from a move. Big E eventually comes back on the apron and tag sin. He nails a belly-to-belly on Sheamus. He suplexes Rusev over the top but he hangs on the apron. Big E runs the ropes and takes out all League members except for Del Rio with a spear. Kofi holds Sheamus while Woods hits a big top rope stomp for a close 2 count. Del Rio with a Backstabber on Woods. Kofi throws Del Rio to the floor and jumps out on his feet. Del Rio ends up hitting a big stomp on Kofi while he was hanging off the apron. Woods is still fighting. He sends Rusev to the floor and rolls Sheamus up for a 2. Barrett nails Woods with a Bullhammer from the floor as the referee is distracted. Sheamus gets the pin on Woods for the win.

Winner: The League of Nations

- After the match, The League celebrates in the ring as we go to replays. Barrett takes the mic and fans boo. Barrett praises them and says there's no three-man team in history that can mess with them. Shawn Michaels' music hits and out comes the WWE Hall of Famer to a big pop. HBK has his wrists taped up and he's in gear. The music hits and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley as Cactus Jack. The glass breaks next and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin in jeans, sneakers and a Dallas 3:16 t-shirt. The former WWE Champions march to the ring and make their way in. The Legends face off with The League. The New Day pulls Barrett to the floor. HBK mounts Del Rio in the corner. Foley unloads on Sheamus in the other corner. Austin and Rusev go at it. Rusev turns it around but Austin stomps a mudhole in him. Foley hits Sheamus with Mr. Socko. Michaels drops Del Rio with Sweet Chin Music. Austin gives Rusev middle fingers in the middle of the ring and nails a Stunner. The Legends want Barrett thrown in. He's thrown in by The New Day to take a Sweet Chin Music, a Socko and then a Stunner. Austin's music hits and they start celebrating after tossing Barrett to the floor. Austin calls for beers as The New Day's music hits. They come in the ring and start dancing but the Legends aren't sure at first. Foley and HBK warm up some and start dancing with the WWE Tag Team Champions. Austin looks like he's about to start dancing but he hits Woods with a Stunner instead. Austin calls for beers and has a few with Cactus and HBK as his music hits. Austin gives himself a beer bath and calls for more. Foley gives a beer to Noelle Foley's boyfriend Frank The WWE Clown at ringside. Austin makes his exit as the celebration wraps up and we go to break.

