WWE Extreme Rules: AJ Styles Vs. Roman Reigns (WWE World Heavyweight Title Match)
The following is from our live coverage of WWE Extreme Rules. Click here for our full WWE Extreme Rules coverage.
Extreme Rules Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles vs. Roman Reigns
We go to the ring and out comes AJ Styles to a big pop. Fans start booing as they wait on Roman Reigns to come out. They get louder as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out and raises the title.
We get formal introductions from Lilian. The bell rings and they lock up. Reigns tries to overpower first but Styles uses his speed. Styles ducks a lock up but Reigns elbows him in the nose. Fans chant "you can't wrestle" as they trade holds. AJ with strikes in the corner until Reigns catches a kick and puts him down. Reigns with big blows in the corner. The boos continue. Reigns misses a right hand as AJ fires back. AJ charges and Reigns nails a jumping knee to the face. Reigns falls down and AJ rolls to the floor for a breather. AJ grabs a steel chair but turns around to Reigns dropping him with a right. Reigns rolls AJ back in and brings the chair.
They end up on the floor and Reigns misses a chair shot, hitting the steel steps instead as Styles moves. Styles beats Reigns around on the floor now. AJ slams Reigns' head into the German announce team. Styles takes apart the Spanish announce table but stops and sends Reigns over the barrier into the crowd. AJ beats Reigns through the crowd but Reigns fights back. They fight over to the pre-show panel now. Reigns slams AJ on top of the glass table but it doesn't break. Fans chant "Roman sucks" now. AJ with a big kick to the face. Styles nails a Phenomenal Forearm off the table.
They fight back to the ring and Reigns goes face first into the steel post. Styles removes a part of the protective padding on the barrier and sends Reigns into it. Styles pulls up part of the floor padding and exposes the concrete now. AJ goes for a Styles Clash on the concrete but Reigns breaks it and nails a big right hand to boos. Reigns sends Styles into the steps. AJ comes back and unloads on Reigns. Styles picks Reigns up on top of the German announce table and calls for a Styles Clash. Reigns blocks it and nails a right hand, knocking Styles onto the barrier. He falls to the floor on the other side with the crowd. Styles jumps up on the barrier and runs onto the announce table but Reigns backdrops him, launching him onto the Spanish announce table. AJ crashes through the table. Fans chant "you still suck" at Reigns.
Reigns brings it back in for a 2 count. Reigns hits a Razor's Edge into a sitdown powerbomb for another close 2 count. Reigns calls for a Superman punch but AJ blocks it with a tackle and sends Reigns to the mat. Reigns clutches his knee as it buckled. Reigns sends AJ to the corner with a thrust. AJ gets a knee up and suplexes Reigns into the turnbuckles. AJ with a knee to the face from the apron as Reigns is on the floor. AJ jumps off the apron but Reigns catches him and launches him head first into the barrier. Reigns picks AJ up again and sends him flying through the main announce table with a big powerbomb.
Reigns waits for AJ to get up. Reigns calls for a spear but AJ moves and Reigns hits the barrier and the table debris. AJ brings Reigns back in the ring but is slow to follow. Fans do dueling chants as AJ gets up to the apron. AJ jumps on the top rope for a springboard but Reigns immediately nails a Superman punch. AJ falls, hits the apron and then the floor. A referee checks on AJ. Reigns limps out of the ring. Reigns nails a spear when AJ gets up. Reigns brings AJ back in the ring but here comes Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. They beat Reigns down.
Reigns takes a Boot of Doom and they put AJ on top of him for the pin. Reigns kicks out just in time. The Club grabs steel chairs but The Usos run down with superkicks. Styles takes a superkick too. Uso nails a big splash on Styles and nudges Reigns. Reigns covers but AJ kicks out at 2. Anderson and Gallows nail The Usos on the floor. Reigns hits them both with Superman punches, in the ring and on the apron. Fans boo as Reigns readies for a spear. AJ blocks it with a kick. AJ goes for the Styles Clash and nails it for a close 2 count. Styles goes for a Clash on the steel chair but Reigns counters and drops AJ on the chair. Fans boo some more. Styles blocks a Superman punch with a pele kick. Styles hits the Clash on a chair but Uso appears at the apron and stops the pin. AJ covers for a close 2 count. Styles unloads with chair shots on Reigns. The Usos run in but AJ unloads on them with chairs too. AJ goes crazy with chair shots on all three. Fans cheer and AJ tosses the chair out of the ring. The Usos are on the floor. AJ takes his pad off and springboards in for a Phenomenal Forearm but Reigns spears him in mid-air for the win.
Winner: Roman Reigns
After the match, there's a mixed reaction for Reigns as we go to replays. We come back to Reigns in the ring with his title. The referee raises his hand as fans boo. Seth Rollins runs out to a huge pop and grabs Reigns from behind for a Pedigree. The crowd goes nuts as Rollins lays Reigns out. Rollins picks up the WWE World Heavyweight Title and looks at it. Rollins raises up the title as fans cheer. Extreme Rules goes off the air with Rollins standing over Reigns.