WWE Payback: Ryback Vs. Kalisto (WWE United States Title Match)

We get promo videos and come back to Renee, who sends us to a video package for Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens. Sami is in the Social Media Lounge now with Greg Hamilton. Sami says his biggest inspiration growing up was Bret Hart because of his tenacity and his matches. Sami isn't sure if he would ever trust Kevin Owens again because of their history. He says they're like brothers but probably never fought like this. They talk more about Owens before Greg sends us back to Mauro and Byron.


WWE United States Title Match: Ryback vs. Kalisto

We go to the ring and out comes WWE United States Champion Kalisto for this WrestleMania 32 rematch. Ryback is out next to mostly boos.

We get formal ring introductions from Eden. Fans chant Goldberg as soon as the match starts. Ryback fakes a handshake attempt and drops Kalisto with a right hand. Ryback takes control as the "you can't wrestle" chants start. They run the ropes and Ryback goes to the floor. Kalisto leaps out and nails him. Kalisto runs the ropes again and nails a corkscrew plancha over the top. Kalisto brings Ryback back in and goes to work with kicks. Ryback pushes Kalisto off and wheelbarrows him into the turnbuckles.

Ryback counters a DDT and suplexes Kalisto for a 2 count. We cut to a break. We come back and Ryback is still in control, keeping Kalisto down. Ryback drops Kalisto with an elbow and covers for another 2 count. Ryback launches Kalisto into the corner as fans boo and he taunts the crowd some more. Ryback toys with Kalisto and wastes more time now. Kalisto comes back with kicks. Ryback catches him in mid-air but Kalisto counters with a DDT. Ryback rolls to the apron and tries for a suplex but Kalisto counters and ends up nailing a big DDT into the apron, driving Ryback face first. Ryback sells a shoulder injury now. Kalisto springboards in for a 1 count. Kalisto with a corkscrew for a 2 count. Ryback kicks him and goes for a powerbomb. Kalisto slides out and rolls him up for 2. Kalisto ducks a clothesline and kicks Ryback in the head. Kalisto plants Ryback face first and covers for a 2 count.


Ryback blocks Salida del Sol and goes for Shellshocked. Kalisto blocks it and rolls him up for 2. Ryback catches him in a big spinebuster for a close 2 count. Ryback goes to the top but Kalisto kicks him in the head. Kalisto climbs up but has to kick Ryback in the head again. He climbs back up but Ryback presses him high over his head and nails a super gorilla press. Ryback goes back to the top but misses a big splash. Kalisto nails Salida del Sol for the win.

Winner: Kalisto

- After the match, we go back to the panel as the camera shows us the door to Vince McMahon's office. The panel talks about the US Title match as we see the announcers coming out. That's it for the pre-show.

