Dixie Carter Talks TNA's Future Plans In India, Wanting Bollywood Star Salman Khan To Wrestle In TNA

Renjith Ravindran of The Fan Garage recently posted the second part of his interview with TNA President Dixie Carter, from Carter's recent trip to India. Below are a couple of highlights:

TNA's future plans in India:

"We as a company are so grateful for the support that we had from India through the years. Our ratings continue to grow here and I want everyone to know that we are very committed to this lovely country. We are going to continue growing and do exciting things so just stay tuned as in the next few months things will start unveiling and it will get the people excited for sure."

Wanting to see Bollywood star Salman Khan in a TNA ring:

"It was special to see Salman Khan on the sets. He is bringing a wrestling movie himself in Sultan and we got to see the sneak peak of the movie and we all talked. We were talking about how we would love to see him in the ring with one of our wrestlers like EC III. Like we were thrilled with some of the scenes from the movie and Salman looked incredible in it."

Source: The Fan Garage

