WWE Superstars Recap (6/10): Former World Heavyweight Champion, Zack Ryder, Dudley Boyz, Sin Cara
Welcome to this week's episode of WWE Superstars. This week's show features Viktor, Sin Cara, The Dudley Boyz, Dolph Ziggler & Zack Ryder
Viktor vs. Sin Cara
Viktor is back to his normal face paint this week, but has had a couple of good showings as a singles wrestler. He has about 5-6 more weeks of showing what he can do as a singles wrestler until Konnor comes back. Viktor controls this match, but Sin Cara reverses a powerbomb attempt into a huracanrana for the pin.
Winner: Sin Cara via pinfall (huracanrana)
Those two work well together, but after 200 matches together they should.
Dudley Boyz vs. Zack Ryder & Dolph Ziggler
This is a pretty decent main event for an episode of Superstars. Ryder plays the face in peril, getting beaten down on the Dudley Boyz side of the ring and coming back with a big Broski Boot. After a commercial Ryder is right back to being beaten down, and Dolph Ziggler gets knocked off the apron. D-Von runs Ryder into the barricade, and Bubba yells at Ryder for having a beard. Ryder finally makes a hot tag to Ziggler. He goes wild and superkicks Bubba for the pinfall victory, a big one for Ryder and Ziggler.
Winners: Dolph Ziggler & Zack Ryder via pinfall (superkick)