Funny John Cena - Leslie Jones Video, Kenneth Johnson Talks CWC, WWE Shop Sale

- The Kicker released the comedy segment above which shows John Cena getting some advice from his life coach, Leslie Jones (Ghostbusters, SNL) ahead of hosting the ESPYs tonight. In the video, Jones motivates Cena and helps him get his confidence up using her unique set of methods, which includes a punishment / reward system that involves Cena taking off his clothes, and Leslie taunting Cena through a stuffed puppy. At one point, the puppy told Cena that the only reason Amy Schumer put him in her movie Trainwreck was to sleep with him, which disturbed him.

Leslie also provides advice as to what Cena should do in the event of a number of instances – including what to do if Kanye West finds his way on stage.

"I would tell him to leave," Cena replied, when asked what he would do if Kanye hit the stage.

"No!," Leslie replied. "You will put him in a headlock, dude!"

It's a pretty funny segment, you can watch it in the video above.

- Just a reminder that you can take 30% off orders at by clicking here and using code SAVE30 at checkout. The sale excludes title belts, memorabilia, collectibles, WWE 2K17, Connor's Cure merchandise, Tapout merchandise and gift cards.

- has a short interview with WWE Cruiserweight Classic contestant Kenneth Johnson, who was promoting the tournament kicking off tonight. During the interview, he talked about his idols growing up.

"As a kid I looked up to WWE's Shawn Michaels," Johnson said. "Also, Rey Mysterio because he's an underdog and I consider myself an underdog as well."

