Title Matches, Death Match And More Set For Lucha Underground's "Ultima Lucha Dos" Three-Week Event
Lucha Underground begins their three-week Ultima Lucha Dos special this Wednesday night on the El Rey Network. Below is the line-up:
Lucha Underground Title Match
Matanza Cueto vs. Pentagon Jr.
Lucha Underground Trios Title Match
Johnny Mundo, Jack Evans and PJ Black vs. Drago, AeroStar and Fenix
Gift of the Gods Title Elimination Match
Daga vs. Sexy Star vs. Marty The Moth vs. Killshot vs. Mariposa vs. Sinestro de la Muerto vs. TBA
Death Match
King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes
Rey Mysterio vs. Prince Puma
Son of Havoc vs. Texano vs. The Mack vs. Cage
Taya vs. Ivelisse
El Dragon Azteca Jr. vs. Black Lotus