Damien Sandow Makes TNA Debut, Reveals His New Name (Video)

As expected, Damien Sandow made his TNA debut on Impact Wrestling tonight. Sandow came out to his old "Hallelujah" theme and revealed that his new name is "Aron Rex."

Here is more from Sandow's debut, from our Impact Wrestling live coverage:


"Aron Rex" is in the ring and grabs the mic. He says he finally has a chance to have a live mic. He says he is not going to talk about his former employer and brass rings. He looks into the camera and says to his former employer "Don't worry, I won't talk about you". Rex says what he does is about the fans. He states that some people thought he was too entertaining to be a main eventer. He is going to prove them wrong. Rex then begins to talk about opportunity and what TNA represents. TNA is the place where you can succeed based on talent alone. He then lists proof of all the top stars in TNA stars that have been given a fair chance in TNA like Drake, EC3 and even Broken Matt Hardy. Fans start chanting that "Aron" is a genius. Rex tells them that that was his old act and that he's never had his IQ tested. He then goes on to say that he is going to prove himself at TNA because this is an even playing field. He names himself officially Aron Rex and says his new home is Impact Wrestling.


