Kevin Bacon Tweets Kevin Owens, Kurt Angle On If Any WWE Stars Can Compete In The Olympics, WWE Shop
- TMZ Sports recently caught up with Kurt Angle, as seen in the video above. In the clip, they asked Angle if any WWE stars would be able to compete in the Olympics. Angle smiled and said, "one's real sport and one's entertainment. It's not the same." He also said that he doesn't plan to tryout for the Olympics again because "he's too old" and would get his "ass handed" to him.
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- Kevin Owens tweeted over the weekend that he was watching Tremors on a plane and asked fans to retweet the message until Tremors star Kevin Bacon followed him. While Owens didn't get the follow from Bacon, he did get this response:
I'm watching Tremors on a plane. RT this incessantly and make #KOWatchesTremorsOnAPlane trend worldwide until Kevin Bacon follows me. Go.
? Kevin Owens (@FightOwensFight) August 8, 2016
Be careful KO "they're under the ground!"
? Kevin Bacon (@kevinbacon) August 8, 2016