TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/11): Damien Sandow's TNA Debut, Titles Vs. Title, Lashley Vs. Storm



Tonight's show opens with highlights from last week's conclusion to the Bound For Glory playoffs. Followed by a James Storm promo. He talks about his history of winning the TNA World Title and the opportunity, he has tonight facing Bobby Lashley in the Titles vs Title Match.


We are welcomed in the Impact Zone "Live" by Josh Matthews and The Pope at ringside who hype tonight's show. BFG playoff winner, EC3 is announced and heads to the ring.

EC3 encourages the fans chanting his name. He then sits on the ring steps at ringside and talks about his history at TNA. Carter reenters the ring and talks about his quest to be the best and being world champion again. Out comes Bobby Lashley. Lashley mocks the fans chanting for EC3. He says their Bound For Glory match is still months away and then brags about how he is stockpiling titles in TNA. Carter acknowledges that Lashley is the best in the world and he is impressed by him. Lashley agrees that he is the best. Out comes James Storm. Storm says he didn't get an invitation to this party. Storm shows respect to EC3 but states that tonight is about him and his world title shot. Some mic issues with Storm. You can faintly hear him make a joke about Lashley. Lashley goes outside the ring to confront Storm. He takes a shot at Storm and misses and both men end up brawling to the backstage area.... Meanwhile in the ring, Mike Bennett and Moose attack EC3 and beat him down. Eddie Edwards runs out to aid EC3. They both clear the ring of Moose and Bennett. Edwards and Carter are scheduled to face Moose and Bennett later tonight. Edwards grabs the mic and challenges Moose and Bennett to that match right now. Ref runs down and and the bell rings as all 4 men begin brawling at ringside as Impact goes to it's first break.



Back from the break. Bennett has the advantage on EC3 inside the ring. Carter rallies and tags in and out with Edwards taking turns chopping Bennett in the corner. This is followed by a double suplex and a kick out at 2 by Bennett. Bennett turns the tide with a back elbow on Edwards and tags in Moose. Moose and Edwards trade chops in the center of the ring. Edwards briefly gets the upper hand. Bennett distracts Edwards when he is on the top rope and Moose hits a standing dropkick that knocks Edwards to the outside. Both Moose and Bennett work over Edwards. Edwards fights them off and tags in EC3. Carter hits two corner splashes on both Bennett and Moose. He clotheslines Moose and flapjacks Bennett on top of Moose. He then attempts the one percenter on Moose but he escapes to the outside. Edwards and Carter team up together and hit a pair of suicide dives on The Miracle and Moose. Edwards hits a hurancanrana on Moose for a near fall. The Miracle and EC3 are battling on the outside and Bennett runs Carter into the ring steps. Bennett then runs into the ring and helps Moose. Moose hits a sky high on Edwards and Bennett tags himself in and pins Edwards. Which Moose didn't look too pleased with.



The big debut of TNA's latest signing is hyped as coming up next. A Bound for Glory ppv promo is shown with Matt Hardy doing the voiceover.

Back from the break. A video highlight is shown of James Storm winning the TNA world heavyweight championship 5 years ago. Storm in a sit down interview setting, talking about how long he has waited for this chance again. He nearly breaks down in tears as he talks about his opportunity.

Back in the arena, The familiar Hallelujah theme is played as the man formerly known as Damien Sandow arrives. Josh Matthews makes mention of Rolling Stone breaking this news. He also mentions the names of Cody Rhodes, Stu Bennett and Ryan Reeves being free agents who hit the open market but when he saw this man's name listed. He thought it was a typo.

"Aron Rex" is in the ring and grabs the mic. He says he finally has a chance to have a live mic. He says he is not going to talk about his former employer and brass rings. He looks into the camera and says to his former employer "Don't worry, I won't talk about you". Rex says what he does is about the fans. He states that some people thought he was too entertaining to be a main eventer. He is going to prove them wrong. Rex then begins to talk about opportunity and what TNA represents. TNA is the place where you can succeed based on talent alone. He then lists proof of all the top stars in TNA stars that have been given a fair chance in TNA like Drake, EC3 and even Broken Matt Hardy. Fans start chanting that "Aron" is a genius. Rex tells them that was his old act and that he's never had his IQ tested. He then goes on to say that he is going to prove himself at TNA because this is an even playing field. He names himself officially Aron Rex and says his new home is Impact Wrestling.


Maria and Allie are backstage. Gail Kim confronts Maria to ask who her opponent is going to be tonight. Out of nowhere comes Marti Bell who attacks Kim from behind with a baton. Maria announces that Kim will face Marti in a no dq match tonight.

Back from the break. Eddie Edwards confronts Moose and Mike Bennett backstage. Eddie blames Mike Bennett for ruining his matches. Edwards challenges Bennett to a match next week but Bennett chooses Moose as Edwards opponent instead.



The stipulation in play for Kim is she has to continue to win these challenges if she wants to compete for the Knockouts title again. Gail Kim and Marti Bell start fighting on the ramp way before the match begins. Maria and Allie make their way to ringside. Bell gets the early advantage in the ring hitting Kim with a couple of suplexes and kicking her in the corner. As Gail Kim fights back, Allie tries to interfere but Kim stops her. The distraction is enough to let Marti attack Kim from behind and then beat up on her on the outside. They battle back in the ring and knock each other down. Gail Kim appears on the verge of winning but Maria gets involved and pushes Gail off of the top rope. Maria then instructs Allie to get inside the ring and attack Kim with the steel baton. Kim thwarts Allie's attempt to hit her and throws her into Marti. She then rolls up Bell in a small package for the win.



Post match. Marti Bell attacks Gail Kim. Jade makes the save for Gail and clears the ring. An irate Maria gets on the mic and makes a match for next week where Jade will face Gail Kim.

Video is shown of Matt Hardy in the passenger side of his car going to visit his "Brother Nero" with presumably "Vanguard 1" driving the vehicle. Matt gets out of the car to talk to his brother. He is followed by Vanguard 1. Matt tells Jeff that he has an upcoming challenge for him on their quest to get back the tag titles. Matt had a premonition about The Decay and thats he is scared of the Decay and instructs Vanguard 1 back to his home in Cameron North Carolina to protect his wife and son. Matt then tells Jeff that they are going back to the "Zone of Impact" together.

Back from the break. The continuation of The James Storm story continues. Storm talks about his home, his upbringing and his family. How happy his mom was when he won the TNA title. He wishes his dad and grandparents were there when he won the title as footage is shown of Storm visiting a gravesite.

#1 contenders tag team title ladder match is hyped for next week's Impact Wrestling.

Broken Matt Hardy has arrived now in "The Zone of Impact". He gets on the mic and tells people with feet to step back and to never question his "condeetion". Matt is sending his obsolete mule of a brother to go after the tag titles and Decay. Matt talks about his premonition of the Decay trying to kidnap his son Maxwell. His family and Senor Benjamin are home in North Carolina and will be protected by Vanguard 1. Matt then introduces his deleted brother Nero. As Jeff enters the ring. He is greeted by Matt with the "I knew you'd come" line. Jeff asks Matt why he bit off a part of a mans face last week. Matt replies that ants are not allowed to touch gods. Jeff says that he can't do this alone getting the tag titles. Matt says this is revenge for Jeff losing the titles when he broke his leg. Jeff tells Matt to stop being broken and for them to be the Hardy's again. Matt says that the Hardys are over and they will never get back together. Matt says Jeff must continue his odyssey alone to get back the tag titles. Out comes Al Snow and The Tribunal. Snow insults the audience and Jeff Hardy. Snow says he went to France to get a real tag team. Dax and Barraca get on the mic and insult Jeff Hardy and the fans. Brief French exchange between Matt and Barraca. Jeff calls out a ref and takes on the challenge of The Tribunal potentially by himself.


Another Bound for Glory PPV ad airs.


Back from the commercial break. The Tribunal has the advantage in what is currently a handicap match. Al Snow even joins in on the action kicking Jeff on the outside. After being beaten and double teamed by The Tribunal for awhile. Jeff finally rallies and attempts to tag in Matt but he refuses to help him. Matt begins taunting fans at ringside. A fan is holding up a "Jeff Hardy is not Obsolete" sign. Matt hypnotizes the fan chanting delete. The fan then rips up the sign and starts chanting delete. Matt then bites Al Snow, takes off his shoe and beats Baron Daxx with it. Meanwhile in the ring, Jeff Hardy hits a twist of fate on Barraca to get the victory.


Post match. Jeff gets on the mic and asks Matt that if that was good enough for him. Matt tells Jeff that he was mildly impressed. Jeff snaps and starts attacking all 3 members of the Tribunal and starts yelling at Matt while he is doing it. Matt is laughing hysterically and enjoying Jeff snapping. Jeff then sets up a table at ringside. Jeff gets on the mic again and asks Matt if he is proud of his brother. Jeff then sets Al Snow up on the table. He then does a plancha on to Snow and through the table. Jeff then gets back on the mic and tells Matt that the only person that punishes him is himself. He then does a swanton through a table taking himself out. Jeff gets on the mic and says that he is "Brother Nero". Matt laughs and says You are Broken.


Bobby Lashley is backstage and bumps into Dixie Carter and Billy Corgan. Bobby Lashley takes exception with the profile videos that have been shown all night of James Storm. Lashley claims that Dixie is biast towards Storm because he is a TNA original and from Nashville. Billy Corgan says that TNA offered to have cameras follow him around during the week but Bobby refused. Bobby says that he does his talking in the ring and will make a statement tonight by beating Storm.

Back from the break. The Decay are in front of a cage backstage while lights flash on them. They all talk about Bram's destruction and the joy they got from it.

Back to the arena, Drew Galloway's music hits and he arrives to the ring. Drew Galloway gets on the mic and says that he hasn't been on Impact in 2 weeks and the reason why is that he is so angry that he might do something that puts him in jail. Drew talks about happier times when he became world champion and was a traveling world champ like Ric Flair. Drew states that all his opportunities to regain the world title were ruined by EC3. A video is played of how Galloway lost his BFG playoff match. Drew then says that EC3 is trying to sabotage his career and is jealous of him. Drew has a proposal for Ethan Carter III. He demands a match with EC3 with the winner getting a chance to main event Bound for Glory.


Another video package is shown with James Storm talking about his journey as a wrestler and his challenge of facing Lashley. Storm and Lashley are then shown in a split screen heading to the arena. That match is next after the break.



Introductions are made for both competitors. Bobby Lashley is defending his world and X division title against Storm's King of The Mountain Title. Before Bobby Lashley can be introduced. He attacks James Storm. Storm recovers and hits the last call kick and covers Lashley for the pin but the referee Brian Hebner is out of position. He calls for the bell and Storm gets a 2 count to start the match. Storm then takes the fight to the outside and beats up on Lashley. The action continues with Storm in full control. James sends Lashley outside the ring and they battle near the broadcast table as the show goes to break.

Bobby Lashley has turned the tide during the break and is now in full control of James Storm in the ring. Bobby Lashley hits a tilt a whirl power slam on Storm. Lashley continues to dominate the match with his power. He hits a neckbreaker on Storm for a 2 count. Lashley taunts the crowd as he pounds on Storm and then hits a delayed standing vertical suplex. He then sets up for the spear. Storm avoids it and connects with a sling blade. Storm then hits with a back cracker and the eye of the storm for a near fall on Lashley. After a struggle in the corner where the top of the turnbuckle comes flying off. Storm is rammed into the exposed cover. Lashley hits a dominator and a spear for a very close 2 count. Lashley brings Storm up to his feet and taunts him. Storm hits a last call kick out of nowhere and covers Lashley for a 2 and 3/4's count. The fans chant "That was three" as both men recover. Storm hits a lung blower on Lashley but he quickly recovers and hits a spear on Storm for the victory.



Post match. The newly anointed, Aron Rex arrives on the stage and stares down Bobby Lashley as he celebrates with all 3 titles. The show goes off the air with this staredown.

