Tommy Dreamer's Advice For Enzo Amore, Rhyno Wins Election While Goring Heath Slater, Adam Rose
- While he was appearing on WWE SmackDown last night, Rhyno was also victorious in the Republican primary for Michigan's 15th House District seat. According to, he defeated fellow Republicans Paul Sophiea and Richard Johnson by 56 votes and will face Democrat Abdullah Hammoud for the seat in November. The seat is being vacated by Democrat George Darany, who can't run again due to a three term-limit. The position pays $71,685 / year.

- Adam Rose will be making an appearance at Frankie's East Side Gourmet Pizza in Farmingdale, NY on September 10 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Tommy Dreamer posted this piece of advice on Twitter for Enzo Amore:
Dear @WWEAaLLday21 please stay away from everything regarding going thru the ropes. PLZ from an OLD G Just so u keep doing, How u doing
? Tommy Dreamer (@THETOMMYDREAMER) August 2, 2016