Who Advanced In The WWE CWC Tonight?, Wrestler Receives Big Post-Match Reaction, Next Week's Show

As seen on tonight's WWE Cruiserweight Classic episode, the second round kicked off with Gran Metalik defeating Tajiri to advance. He will face the winner of Akira Tozawa vs. Jack Gallagher, which will air next Wednesday night.


Tonight's show also saw Kota Ibushi defeat Cedric Alexander to advance. Ibushi will face the winner of Tony Nese vs. Brian Kendrick next.

Besides Tozawa vs. Gallagher, next week's show will also feature Kendrick vs. Nese and Noam Dar vs. HoHo Lun. Tonight's Ibushi vs. Alexander match ended with a standing ovation for Alexander, despite the loss. Fans chanted "please sign Cedric" and out came Triple H to shake Cedric's hand and bring him to the back.

Below is a preview for next week with shots of Cedric and Triple H:


