WWE SummerSlam: Apollo Crews Vs. The Miz (WWE Intercontinental Title Match)

The following is from our live coverage of WWE SummerSlam. To access our full coverage, click here.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Apollo Crews vs. The Miz

Back to the ring and out comes Maryse with WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz. Apollo Crews is out next. Miz attacks as soon as the bell rings and takes control. They end up on the floor and back in as Miz controls most of the first half of the match. Crews makes a comeback and hits a big splash in the corner. Crews slams Miz again for a 2 count. Miz counters a move and goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but it's blocked. Crews with an enziguri. Miz blocks the moonsault. Crews slams him for a close 2 count.

More back and forth. Miz hits his corner clothesline but Crews catches him and hits an overhead suplex. Crews with the standing moonsault for a 2 count as Crews looks on. Miz ends up retreating to the floor. He's had enough but Crews brings him back in. Maryse distracts Crews but Miz has the Skull Crushing Finale blocked. He goes on and tries again, hitting it for the win.

Winner: The Miz

After the match, Maryse comes in to celebrate with Miz. We get replays and come back to Miz and Maryse kissing in the ring.

