Backstage News On Daniel Bryan's WWE Contract, When It Expires
As noted, Daniel Bryan appeared on the weekly ESPN Off The Top Rope segment with Jonathan Coachman last night. During the interview, Bryan noted that he will often talk about wrestling and threaten to quit WWE to Brie, but she calms him down and reminds him that they're trying to start a family.
Dave Meltzer noted in the latest issue of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter that nothing has changed regarding Bryan's status with WWE, and that the article last week from Forbes claiming that a source with inside knowledge told them that "WWE has not completely shut the door on a Daniel Bryan return to the ring" is incorrect.

Meltzer added that Bryan's WWE contract expires in 2018. We had noted that Bryan's contract was frozen before returning to television due to his injury. With Bryan now appearing in an on-screen role, his contract is no longer frozen.
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
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