Eric Bischoff Threatens To Sue Matt Hardy?, Hardy Comments On "End Of An Era" After Tonight's Impact

- Following tonight's episode of Impact Wrestling, Matt Hardy posted the following tweet:

- Speaking of Hardy, we noted earlier that RF Video released a preview of their shoot interview with him in which he discussed TNA losing their identity.

"For many, many years the people at Impact Wrestling lost their identity," Hardy said. "There was a point where they had this X Division and it was truly luxurious when they were highlighting it. But as time has gone on, they lost their way. When Brother Nero Hogan and Brother Nero Bischoff, all they did was rape, pillage and plunder TNA. They almost broke Impact Wrestling down forever.

"Now that I am back with my broken brilliance and I am starting to illuminate a light upon it, I think TNA needs to find out who it is. Impact Wrestling needs to learn its true identity."

The video was pulled, and RF Video owner Rob Feinstein stated that it was pulled "due to a legal issue," although the DVD remains on sale. It appears as if Bischoff is threatening Hardy with legal action, as he posted on Twitter:

Hardy's wife, Reby Sky, responded, writing:

