WWE NXT Results (9/21): Cedric Alexander Main Events, Samoa Joe's Ultimatum, Aries Vs. Lorcan, More

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- Welcome to this evening's NXT. We kick off the show looking back at last week's promo with Samoa Joe and the ensuing beat down and stretcher job of NXT Champion Shinsuke Nakamura.

- Joe heads to the ring with some papers in his hand to a chorus of boos. Joe breaks out the papers which is Nakamura's medical report and says Nakamura will be out 6-12 weeks, which is quite the range. Joe demands of William Regal that Nakamura be stripped of the title and given back to the rightful champ. Regal comes out and confirms Nakamura's condition. Regal says he will take care of the problems that Joe has caused. Joe heads down the ramp and gives Regal an opportunity to fix the situation, or the entire NXT roster will be in the same shape as Nakamura.


- Tom Phillips and Corey Graves officially welcome us to tonight's episode and we take a look back at Cedric Alexander vs. Kota Ibushi from the Cruiserweight Classic. Alexander is interviewed backstage. Cedric says he scratched and clawed for seven years on the indy circuit. He wants the very best, and says he will show his opponent Andrade "Cien" Almas he's as good as he says he is.

- Backstage with Liv Morgan. She says she isn't scared of Asuka and didn't start at the bottom just to end up back at the bottom. The women's champion comes in and says Morgan will find out if she's ready for Asuka.

Oney Lorcan vs. Austin Aries

Nice reception for the Bostonian Lorcan who has gotten over quite well in the Florida live event circuit. Austin takes control early with some mat-based attacks into a side head lock and holds on after an attempted whip from Lorcan. Austin takes a breather and poses on the ropes but Lorcan not amused and lands a slap to the money maker of Aries. Lorcan is getting a side head lock over. I might have seen everything in wrestling now. Aries lifts Lorcan over the ropes and sends him to the outside landing tailbone first on the apron on the way down as we head to break.

Back from break and Aries still in control. Lands a elbow to the back of the neck of Lorcan and Aries covers him for a two. Aries laying in some strikes in the corner, but Lorcan lets out a blood curdling howl and follows up with some unique strikes of his own along with some hip attacks in the corner. Aries ducks another attack and sends Lorcan to the outside and promptly hits an axe handle from the top. Lorcan counters another aerial assault with a a big uppercut. Both guys working stiff with elbows. Aries hits a vertical suplex with a knee to the face that leads to the Last Chancery. Lorcan has to tap to give Aries the win.


Winner via Submission: Austin Aries

- After the match, Aries grabs the mic and says Itami may put people to sleep, but he taps people out. He says he took the week off last week, but is ready this week. Aries says he would call Itami out, but knows he won't show. Without further ado, cue Hideo's music and he heads to the ring to confront Aries. "The greatest man that ever lived" quickly retreats to the back.

- We get a look at NXT's newest signee, who is an absolute beast, Dan Matha. He is billed at 6'7" and 300 lbs. He debuts in two weeks.

- We take a look back at the post-CWC interview with DIY (Ciampa & Gargano) and their confrontation with The Revival.

Aliyah vs. Billie Kay

They lock up and Billie Kay takes early control with a firemen's carry toss. Aliyah throws a back shoulder off a whip and applies a leg submission through the ropes in the corner. Leg drop from Aliyah and Billie Kay kicks out at two. Billie Kay works her way out of a submission and hits a knee to the midsection and follows it up with a big forearm. Torture rack from Billie Kay but Aliyah slips out. Billie Kay goes for the big boot and misses as Aliyah gets in some much needed offense. Billie Kay hits the big boot nearly out of nowhere for the pin and victory.


Winner via Pinfall: Billie Kay

- We get another look at the "Sanity" vignette, which will be a faction debuting very soon.

- Backstage with Mandy Rose. She says Ember Moon doesn't fit the mold of an NXT women's superstar and makes sure she will be "eclipsed."

- Liv Morgan will take on Asuka next week for the NXT Women's Championship.

Cedric Alexander vs. Andrade "Cien" Almas

Cedric gets a huge reception from the Full Sail crowd. Poor Almas will never get over if he keeps facing the fan favorites. Almost smell a heel turn in the near future. Friendly handshake gets us started as they tie up and counter each other's submissions. Almas applies a leg scissors hold but Alexander jumps out. Athletic exchange with more counters upon counters. Almas catches himself in the ropes for a quick pose and hits a basement drop kick to send Alexander to the outside as we head to break.

We're back and Almas in control. Alexander breaks it up with a jaw breaker. Alexander with a series of chops and uppercuts. He takes down Almas with a pair of shoulder tackles and a bounce back enziguri. Alexander hits a huge tope con hilo to the outside which gets a resounding "NXT" chant. Almas finds some separation with a couple elbows and hits deadlift like slam and covers for a two. Stiff shots from both men in the center of the ring. Alexander catches Almas and places him on the top rope. Alexander joins him, but Andrade fights out. Almas goes for a moonsault which misses, but rolls through to hit it on the second go round. Almas covers for another two and gets frustrated as he attacks relentlessly in the corner. Almas goes for the double knees, but Alexander catches him and hits the Lumbar Check for the surprise one, two, three, and wins his official NXT TV debut. Nice match.


Winner via Pinfall: Cedric Alexander

- After the match, Almas shakes Alexander's hand, teases a turn, but goes for the welcoming hug instead. Seed firmly planted. Alexander celebrates in the ring as we head off the air.

Thanks for joining us for tonight's NXT. See you all again next week!

