Michael Cole Thought Jerry Lawler Was Joking When Having Heart Attack (Video), WWE Attendance, Stock
- WWE posted the sneak peek above of Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole discussing Lawler's heart attack that happened on RAW four years ago. Michael Cole, who was calling the show with Lawler, noted that during the broadcast he suddenly heard Lawler snoring.
"I thought Jerry was pretending that he was sleeping," Cole recalled. "So I turned around to say to him, 'King, what are you doing?' As I turned around, Jerry was face-first on the announce table and he was literally snoring into his microphone. I said, 'Doc, get over here!'"
- We've noted that WWE live event attendance has taken a hit since the brand extension in July. GoSanAngelo.com has an article here about a recent WWE live event in San Angelo, TX in late August that drew 2,500 fans. It was noted that it was the first live event in two years in the city, and attendance was down from the last event there.
- Seeking Alpha has a story here about WWE being a good buy for investors, noting that live event revenues should increase because of the number of added live events with the brand extension. It was stated that the brand extension also allows WWE to hold more special events each year. It was noted that the WWE Network was one of the company's three primary revenue sources ($51.8 million last quarter), behind television revenues ($56.1 million) and live events ($51.9 million).