Sasha Banks Talks Making Chris Jericho's List, Old Ryback - Wade Barrett Halloween Pic, Finn Balor
- Sasha Banks was a guest at Ringside Fest 2016 this past weekend before last night's WWE Hell In A Cell pay-per-view. During the interview, she revealed that in addition to her own action figures, she also owns Big E's because "he has a really funny face on it." She also has "every Eddie Guerrero action figure," and she also had a bunch of figures when she was a kid, but she gave them to her brother. She was also asked how devastated she would be if she made "The List of Jericho."
"[It would be] pretty devastating, but it is just a list," Banks said. "What happens when I'm on the list though, that's what I want to know?"

- Finn Bálor will be appearing at Adventureland Store this Sunday in the Voorhees Town Center in Voorhees, N.J., from 1 to 3 p.m.
- Ryback posted a great old Halloween photo, as seen below. In the photo, Ryback is dressed like John Cena while EC3 is Chyna and Wade Barrett is The Mountie:
A photo posted by Ryback Reeves (@thebigguyryback22) on