WWE No Mercy: American Alpha & The Hype Bros Vs. The Ascension & Vaudevillains (Kickoff Pre-Show)

The following is from our live coverage of WWE No Mercy. To access our full coverage, click here.

American Alpha and The Hype Bros vs. The Vaudevillains and The Ascension

We go to the ring and Mauro Ranallo is with JBL and David Otunga. Chad Gable and Jason Jordan are out first followed by their partners Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley. Simon Gotch and Aiden English are out next followed by partners Konnor and Viktor.


Gable starts off with English and takes him down. Back and forth until Jordan and Gotch get involved. American Alpha with dropkicks. Jordan with a 2 count on English. Ryder comes in but English decks him and tags in Viktor. He takes control until Ryder catches Viktor in a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Mojo comes in and he's hyped. Mojo ducks a boot and nails a running clothesline for a 2 count. Konnor tags in and works Mojo in. Ryder ends up coming in. American Alpha takes out The Vaudevillains. The babyface teams clear the ring as we go to a break.

Back from the break and Konnor works over Ryder. Viktor tags in for some double teaming and a 2 count. Konnor with another tag before English tags back in. English with a 2 count. He keeps Ryder grounded now. Ryder with a jawbreaker. English stops Ryder from tagging and in comes Gotch, then Konnor. Konnor runs into boots but still stops Ryder from tagging. They go to the floor and into the barrier. Ryder makes it back in first and tosses Viktor to the floor, then Gotch. Viktor knocks Gable off the apron and stops the tag. Ryder side steps and Konnor runs into the ring post. Jordan tags in as does English. Jordan unloads and everyone gets involved. The finish sees American Alpha hit the double team on English for the pin by Jordan.


Winners: American Alpha and The Hype Bro

After the match, we go to replays. The heels retreat as the face teams stand tall in the ring.

