WWE No Mercy: Dolph Ziggler Vs. The Miz (Career Vs. Intercontinental Title Match)

The following is from our live coverage of WWE No Mercy. To access our full coverage, click here.

We see Dolph Ziggler walking backstage after a break. We go to a video package for his match.

Career vs. Title Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz


We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz with wife Maryse. Dolph Ziggler is out next.

Hamilton does formal ring introductions. The bell rings and here we go. They both miss big shots early on. Ziggler with a 2 count. Ziggler goes out but runs right back in with a dropkick. Ziggler sends Miz to the floor and into the barrier. Miz turns it back around in the ring and keeps Ziggler down as fans do dueling chants for both. Miz keeps Ziggler grounded now.

Ziggler reverses a hold but Miz nails a big clothesline. Miz with a running boot to the face for a 2 count. Miz stomps on Ziggler and slingshots him under the bottom rope. Miz mocks Daniel Bryan while working on Ziggler's knees. Miz with a knee to the back as he keeps Ziggler down. Ziggler fights up but Miz catches a superkick. Miz with a neckbreaker combo for a 2 count. Miz nails a running dropkick in the corner, and another. Miz hits the third running dropkick and mocks Bryan again. Ziggler blocks the next dropkick with one of his own. They both struggle to get up now. Miz misses a clothesline and Ziggler nails a few of his own. Ziggler with a corner splash, a neckbreaker and a big elbow drop for a 2 count.


Miz catches Ziggler for a powerbomb but Ziggler rolls him up for a 2 count. Miz with a big boot for a 2 count as he uses the ropes for leverage. The referee sees it and warns him. Miz argues back. This leads to another trading of pin attempts. Miz nails a DDT for a 2 count after taking the knee out again. More back and forth. Ziggler blocks a Figure Four. Miz turns it back around and goes for the hold again but Ziggler gets a 2 count. Miz with the big clothesline in the corner. Ziggler crotches Miz and climbs up for a superplex. Miz finally gets the Figure Four locked in and Ziggler can't make it to the bottom rope. His shoulders go down but he kicks out at 2. Ziggler keeps trying for the bottom rope and finally makes it. Miz keeps the move held as long as he can.

Maryse distracts the referee while Miz exposes a turnbuckle. Ziggler jumps up and hits the Rough Ryder for a 2 count. Ziggler ends up going into the exposed steel. Miz with the sitdown powerbomb for a close 2 count. Ziggler gets to his knees but Miz kicks him. Fans chant "no!" as Miz kicks. Ziggler ducks the roundhouse and nails a Zig Zag for a close 2 count. Fans rally for Ziggler. Miz blocks the superkick. Ziggler blocks the Skull Crushing Finale and rolls Miz up for 2. Ziggler gets the sleeper hold applied.


Miz gets the rope and breaks the hold. Miz distracts the referee, allowing Maryse to spray Ziggler in the face. Miz goes for the win but Ziggler gets his foot on the bottom rope. Miz beats on Ziggler now. Miz goes for another Figure Four but Ziggler's boot comes off. Ziggler nails a superkick and crawls to make the pin. Kenny and Mikey of The Spirit Squad run out and distract the referee on the apron. Ziggler superkicks Mikey off the apron. Miz nails a Skull Crushing Finale for a close 2 count. Maryse can't believe it. Fans chant "this is awesome" now. Kenny gets back on the apron, leading to the referee ejecting all three from ringside. Ziggler takes advantage of Miz being distracts and nails a superkick for the win and the title.

Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler

After the bell, Ziggler takes his title and gets to his feet for the celebration. We get replays and come back to Ziggler making his exit with the title in the air as a very sad Miz looks on from the ring.

