Colt Cabana On Donald Trump And Cubs Victories, Meeting With Vince McMahon, Making Him Laugh, More
Recently, the owner and founder of Wrestling Inc., Raj Giri, caught up with professional wrestler and podcasting pioneer Colt Cabana. Among other things, Cabana discussed the connection between the U.S. Presidential Election results and the Chicago Cubs' World Series win. Also, Cabana talked about making Vince McMahon laugh in a meeting, and Cabana's new film, Wrestling Road Diaries 3, which is available now for download at
Cabana, who is a self-described Cubs fan, joked that ending the century-long championship drought came at a calamitous price.
"I'm a Cubs fan. I had a tweet, I said that the Cubs sold their souls to the Devil, when Trump won," Cabana said. "I think that was the deal that they made and I don't know if it was worth it. I don't know. We'll see."
According to Cabana, he arranged for a ten-minute meeting with Vince McMahon around the time of his SmackDown! debuted as Scotty Goldman in 2008.
"I had a couple shake of the hands, and pass bys and say hello, but they had a thing where, because of developmental, it was such a weird time and one of my big things at the time was just there was no communication from developmental, FCW at the time, to the main roster. And since then, it [has] changed a little bit, but I'm sure, I bet it's still a little bit of the same. And so, I made a big thing of, 'hey, I think some of the guys should talk to Vince' and there was a thing where we're having guys go up to talk to Vince, so I went up to Johnny Ace and I said, 'I'd like to be one of the guys who has a meeting with Vince McMahon.' And so, I got a ten-minute meeting with him."
Cabana stated that his WWE run was off to a bumpy start and wanted to impress WWE's Chairman.
"My debut was awful, right? I lost in two minutes and it was meant to be, Bryan Kendrick was supposed to be in some fatal five-way on a pay-per-view, so it's like it was very interesting that that was the choice for my debut. But I saw a lot of righting on the wall just as it happened, but so I wanted to impress him. But yeah, I had a ten-minute chat with Vince, probably very unmemorable. And that's one of those things where you look back and you're like, 'would I do anything thing different? Would I change that? Should I have been more aggressive?' And, I kind of played it safe. I tried to make him laugh a couple of times but it's like you think in your head and you go over in your head what you're going to say to this guy. And then, once you're in there it's kind of a different ballgame, I think."
When asked whether he was able to make McMahon laugh, Cabana responded in the affirmative.
"Yeah, I did one thing that made him laugh, because I did tell him I was big into comedy and alternative comedy. So two things I always take away from that meeting. I was telling him I was into comedy and alternative comedy, especially. And he goes, 'oh, what's that?' And I was like, 'well, it's not like mainstream comedy. It's different stuff.' And I gave examples of The State, and Kids In The Hall, and maybe some Patton Oswald or something, and he didn't understand. And I tried dissecting it a little bit and he goes, 'oh, like Jackie Gleason? And for those of you who don't know, Jackie Gleason, I don't even know. Jackie Gleason is like a 1940s comedian and I was like, 'oh my God! That's what he thinks comedy is, Jackie Gleason.' And I kind of knew I was screwed from there. And the other thing, yeah, Bob Hope, Jackie Gleason, this is his idea of comedy. And so, the other one was, he goes, 'are you really Jewish?' And I go, 'well, I'm Jewish, but I'm not like a Super Jew or anything and he laughed on that one, so that's what I got."

On the subject of his new documentary, Wrestling Road Diaries 3, Cabana claimed to be amused by the irony of Luke Gallows, who appeared on second installment of The Wrestling Road Diaries, not being in the third film, which is about comedy wrestling.
"I think what's funny is that second one had Luke Gallows and Domino. And this one's about comedy wrestling. But Luke Gallows is literally the funniest human being in professional wrestling, so it's not like with Kikutaro and Grado they weren't going to out-funny Luke Gallows. He's the king. He's the king of comedy behind the scenes. For some reason, on TV he's just portrayed as a killer or a monster. The way we did edit it though, I had a clear, Jack Edinger edited it and directed it, but I was also directing while we were filming. Just kind of funny for a documentary, I was, we were documenting, but I was also directing certain aspects of it. And I wanted to really dissect the matches, like, talk about why stuff is funny and why stuff isn't funny, see what works and why it doesn't work in the vein of comedy in wrestling, so in that aspect, I wanted to make sure we get into that when filming."
Check back to Wrestling Inc. next week for the interview with Colt. You can purchase Wrestling Road Diaries 3 now at