Hulk Hogan Reportedly Talking With WWE Officials, Recent Footage Filmed For The WWE Network?
As noted, Hulk Hogan recently appeared on Eric Bischoff's new MLW Radio podcast and dismissed daughter Brooke Hogan's comments about people from WWE calling The Hulkster for a WrestleMania 33 return. Hogan said:
"I know if I don't bring it up nobody will. So anyway, Brooke's running around on TMZ and made the statement about me and wrestling and WrestleMania. For the record, she needs the big boot to the head. I haven't talked to anybody about WrestleMania. I just need to put that to rest. I asked Brooke, "What are you doing?" She goes, "Oh, well, I'm just starting it up." I said, "Thanks Brooke." It was kind of funny. I said, "No harm. No foul." It was all in good fun."
Hogan was actually working in New York City two weeks ago and speculation is that he was there filming WWE Network material, according to PWInsider. There have also reportedly been talks between Hogan and WWE about how the two sides can move forward and start working together again. We noted a while back how it was no coincidence that Hogan started appearing in WWE ads once again.

As of this writing, Hogan has not been re-added to the WWE Hall of Fame roster page.
Source: PWInsider Elite
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