Ryback Talks Past Halloween Party With WWE Stars, Possibly Being Slipped Shrooms, Bray Wyatt's Wife
On episode 10 of Conversation With The Big Guy, former WWE Superstar Ryback talked about coming up through WWE's developmental system with the third generation professional wrestlers, Bo Dallas and Bray Wyatt. Ryback said he could always tell that the Rotunda Brothers would be successful in professional wrestling and he told a story about going to their Halloween party years ago as 15-time world champion John Cena.
According to Ryback, he could always tell that Dallas and Wyatt were ahead of everyone else in developmental, even before Wyatt adopted his current gimmick.
"Bray was awesome. He just kind of came in there, and, like, you could just tell this guy was going to be a star, just his promos and there was just something [about him]. Him and Bo both. You could see, you could tell they came from [a professional wrestling family, even when Wyatt performed as Duke Rotundo in FCW]. Yeah, even just cutting promos as [Duke Rotundo], they were lightyears of an outside guy that you brought in there. And once they figured it out and learned the ropes, they picked it up so quickly and they were both always very athletic. Bray's a big guy and he can move like a cat out there."
Also during the podcast, Ryback shared a story of attending Dallas and Wyatt's Halloween party years ago. 'The Big Guy' said that he was not allowed at the party unless he wore a Halloween costume.
"I wasn't allowed to come to the party, I was told, by Bo and [Bray] unless I wear a Halloween costume and I just wanted to get insanely drunk and have a good time." Ryback continued, "so I go, 'I don't have a costume.' They go, 'well, f–king go get one.' Guys were going as wrestlers. I think everyone went as wrestlers, pretty much, right? Like, I put no thought into this."
As the story goes, Ryback had a Cena t-shirt from Steve Keirn at FCW and decided to attend the party as 'The Face That Runs The Place'. We reported on Halloween that Ryback posted a picture from that night featuring EC3 as Chyna and Wade Barrett as The Mountie.
"I had this shirt and I go, 'I can be John Cena.' I got the shirt. I went to Wal Mart in Saint Pete, down the road, wherever it was in Tampa [Florida]. I got the championship. He was the champ at the time, of course he was the f–king champ, got the f–king little gimmick f–king spinner thing, and they had an armband kit or something at Wal Mart, and got the f–king gimmicks, and a ball cap, a black ball cap, just a plain [cap] because that's what they had there. They had nothing with [John Cena WWE branding], so I remember I showed up to a chorus of boos." Ryback continued, "which should f–king tell you something, yeah, to massive boos, from your f–king colleagues."
Ryback admitted that if he knew Cena at the time, he would have second guessed his choice of costume.
"I didn't know John at the time. Had I'd known John at the time, I would've f–king found another way or just not gone to the f–king goddamn party."
Ryback, who behaved badly at the party, believes he was given magic mushrooms because he normally does not act that way from alcohol alone.
"I am convinced, to this day, somebody gave me mushrooms. Yeah, because, or some sort of other drug because I can handle my liquor. I've been extremely drunk many times before. What happened the rest of that night is so outside of how I normally am. I can't explain. It wasn't just alcohol because I've been way drunker than that before." Ryback reflected, "mushrooms were involved at some point in this night."

In addition to making a mess of Dallas' DVD collection, Ryback professed his love for Wyatt's wife on that evening.
"I somehow made my way to Bray's bedroom at some point before this, in which nobody knew where I went. They had their door shut. I was walking through their house. I go into Bray's bedroom and lie on his bed because I wanted to lie on his bed. Why not? And I remember I turned on the TV, and like, Bray, I shut the door and I'm watching their TV in their bedroom on their bed beyond drunk, and they walk in and I'm giggling, laughing to myself on the bed. And then, Bray just cracks up laughing. And I remember at some point, I confessed my love to his wife." Ryback said, "I just go, 'Bray, me and your wife are in love. We love each other.'" Ryback continued, "and to this day, when we talk about it, we just laugh hysterically."
Click here to listen to the podcast. If you use any of the quotes from this article, please credit Conversation With The Big Guy with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.
Source: Conversation With The Big Guy