TNA Writer David Lagana Announces His Departure
David Lagana, who had been working on the TNA creative team since 2011, announced today via Medium that he has resigned from the company. Lagana has now worked for WWE, TNA, ROH and the NWA.

He wrote the following on Medium:
"You're always one decision away from a totally different life."
? Mark Batterson
Five years ago I made the decision to join the TNA Impact Wrestling family. Over this time, I've experienced a lot in my life personally and professionally. Being a fan of professional wrestling for thirty years, I look back amazed at moments I've been a part of. Over my fifteen years of writing, producing and directing, I've been very lucky to work with every major talent in the history of the sport and learn from its brightest minds; Vince McMahon, Paul Heyman, Dusty Rhodes, Pat Patterson, Gerry Brisco, Shawn Michaels, Paul Levesque, Michael Hayes, Brian Gewirtz, Adam Pearce, Hunter Johnson, Matt Conway, Billy Corgan, Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff, Bruce Prichard, Jeff Jarrett, and Dutch Mantel. This group of professionals taught me many lessons and and helped shape my career. Lessons like passion can carry us through pain, disappointment and regret. Hard work, dedication and commitment to a craft can define a person's journey and decisions.
Today I made the decision to leave TNA Impact Wrestling. A decision I do not make lightly but one I made to create a future that I control. In 2017, you need to look forward to 2020 and beyond. My focus now is on personal branding, technology and the wild west of storytelling available to all content creators today.
I want to thank everyone at TNA Impact Wrestling for giving me the opportunity to be the Senior Director of Creative Writing. Also I'd like to thank the talented and underappreciated television production crew and locker room. Getting to be collaborative with this group of men and women at every taping was an honor and a privilege. This is a creative business where stars are made one decision at a time. Believe and trust the process; success will follow.
I look forward to the future that we all create and that all starts right now.
See you down the road?
David Lagana
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