WWE NXT Results (11/9): NXT Championship Contract Signing, Dusty Classic Semi-Finals, Ember Moon
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- Tom Phillips welcomes us to the show. He reminds us of the Nakamura/Samoa Joe contract signing later tonight.
- We go to Charly Caruso at the WWE PC and check up on the Dusty Classic brackets and look at this week's matches. She throws it Phillips and Graves in California where we get the semi-final matches.
#DIY vs. Authors of Pain (Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semi-Final Match)
DIY comes out to a nice reaction. AOP out with their manager Paul Ellering and some great Corey Graves commentary antics. Dueling "psycho killer" and "Johnny Wrestling" chant for the smaller tandem. Ciampa and Akam start us off and the big man takes Ciampa down. Ciampa able to escape and make the tag. A barrage of drop kicks from DIY connect but still can't take Akam down. After some some offense by AOP, DIY able to get the Authors of Pain to the outside. Gargano and Ciampa both go for outside aerial assaults, but AOP catches them and uses the other as a weapon. AOP in firm control as we head to break.
Back from break and AOP still has the upper hand. AOP cutting the ring in half and land several double team moves as they work over Gargano. Akam puts Gargano in some semblance of a crucifix bear hug submission. He makes the tag to Rezar. Gargano reverses a slam into a DDT to stun the big man. Tag made to Ciampa and he goes to town on Rezar with several strikes and boots to no avail. They trade shots in the middle of the ring and Rezar finally goes down to a knee. Ciampa goes for German but Rezar able to back him in the turnbuckle. Second time is the charm and Ciampa impressively lands a clean German Suplex for a near fall. Tag made to Ciampa and DIY goes for a double team. Gargano gets caught while Rezar is already holding Ciampa. Rezar slams them both to the ground, covers Gargano, but just a two count! DIY reverses the double power bomb into offense of their own but can't get the win. DIY then hits their finisher, cover is made, but Ellering distracts the referee to prevent the count. The Revival slip in from the crowd and takes out Gargano. AOP hits "The Last Chapter" for the win. They move on to the finals.
Winners via Pinfall: Authors of Pain
- We get a promo for Full Sail Arena with the lights out and a graphic that says "the return." Who shows up next week?
- Taped promo with Tye Dillinger talking about his match with fellow Canadian Bobby Roode a week from Saturday in Toronto. He says Toronto will be known as the "Perfect Ten City" after the match.
- Back to Charly Caruso who previews the second semi-final of the Dusty Classic. Let's head to the ring.
SAnitY (Fulton/Wolfe) vs. TM-61 (Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semi-Final Match)
Nice reaction for both teams in Los Angeles. SAnitY wastes no time attacking TM-61 before the bell rings and send the Aussies flying as we head to an early break.
Order has been restored as we return. Thorne and Wolfe get us started. Thorne with a fury of fists out of the gate but is short lived as Wolfe nails a big boot. Tag made to Fulton and the reinvigorated PC talent with a bevy of unique offense including a sliding headbutt. Still no sign of Nick Miller after the beat down. Wolfe moshing with himself in the middle of the ring as he slows down the pace and wears down Thorne. Miller finally makes it to the ring apron but immediately knocked right back down from the maniacal German superstar. Thorne reverse a hold that makes Wolfe accidentally uppercut Fulton. Miller finally makes his way into the match for the extremely warm tag and takes out everybody in sight. Able to make a cover but only a two count. SAnitY able to halt the momentum and pull Miller to the corner. They set up their finisher but Thorne comes in with a drop kick out of nowhere. Miller quickly hits a jack knife cover for the surprise win! They move on to the finals at NXT Takeover: Toronto.
Winners via Pinfall: TM-61
- Mr. William Regal makes an announcement regarding The Revival interfering in the DIY match earlier in the night. Regal says because they interfered, he is making Revival defend their NXT Tag Team Championships against DIY at NXT Takeover: Toront in a 2 out of 3 falls match! That shall tear the house down.
- Interview with Bobby Roode earlier in the day. Roode says it wasn't his fault and Dillinger embarrassed the name of Dusty Rhodes. He says Toronto will find out Dillinger isn't the "perfect ten," but the perfect loser. He says he will make NXT Takeover: Toronto Glorious.
Rachel Evers vs. Ember Moon
The former Rachel Ellering gets another shot on NXT TV against the next big NXT women's star in Ember Moon. The red contacts and menacing smile round out Moon's character nicely. Action fast and furious as Evers able to back Moon in the corner early, but that may be all the offense she gets. Ember makes a series of reversals to avoid an attack from the young second generation star. Moon goes for the springboard cross body but comes up empty. Evers with a nice gut wrench power bomb and slows the action down considerably. Another slam from Evers. A bit of disrespect from Evers just fires up Ember Moon and you can say the sun has set on Evers' chances on winning this match. A big side head kick from Moon and a roll through forearm sets up for the much anticipated finisher. Moon connects with the top rope twisting stunner for the win. Pretty fun short match.
Winner via Pinfall: Ember Moon
- Next week we will see the match set up a couple weeks ago pitting Andrade "Cien" Almas against Cedric Alexander.
- Time for the NXT Championship contract signing as Mr. William Regal presides over the proceedings. Nakamura introduced first to a less than stellar pop. Would assume this was at the end of the night and the Full Sail crowd is a bit fatigued. Several PC talents in the ring as security for this segment, which I'm sure means this ends with no controversy. Samoa Joe makes his entrance, but only to the edge of the ramp. He makes a U-turn and returns with a table and chair of his own. He kicks his feet up and refuses to join the signing in the ring, considering his history with security. Joe calls Nakamura a rabid animal. Says he would be angry too if he was Japan's biggest star only to come to NXT and get beat down. Joe runs down the crowd and says there won't be any fighting tonight. Joe taking shots at the NXT GM, saying Regal needs to bring the contract to him to be signed. Regal reluctantly heads down the ramp and Samoa Joe signs his end of the bargain. He drops the contract short of reaching Regals hand for added insult. Mr. Regal returns to the ring and Nakamura takes a look at the contract and drops it. Nakamura takes out the entirety of the security and Regal does nothing but shakes his head. Shinsuke sends some poor soul through the table with a power bomb. Now that he's made his point, he signs the contract. He drops it on the young man who went through the table. Joe teases an attack from the ramp but is held back by officials. Nakamura celebrates in the ring as we head off the air.