Jeff Hardy Talks TNA Management Change, If They Have Been Told Anything, His New CD, Fear Of CTE

Chuck Carroll of CBS recently interviewed Jeff Hardy for CBS. Hardy is promoting his new album Spawn Of Me, which is an eclectic twist of rock, country and some hip-hop all rolled in one. During the interview, Hardy discussed fears of developing CTE, Total Nonstop Deletion, his contract status in TNA, the management shakeup and his future. You can check out the full interview by clicking here, they sent us these highlights:


A lot of time there is a personal emotional meaning behind the songs. Which one did you have the deepest connection to?

"The song "Spawn of Me" started back in 2010 when my daughter was born. I wrote a song for her called "Ruby." But when my second daughter was born last New Year's Eve, I totally rewrote it and made it about both of them. And it also mentions my guitar player's daughter. The song is dedicated to them.

"Another song on there that is very powerful and very serious is called "Irreversible." It is about my fear of CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). It's crazy in the NFL they take it so seriously because you have to. It's so scary what it can do to you in the long run. And with me being a pro wrestler I've had my share. Diagnosed concussions only about two or three, but I'm sure there's been a lot more. It's as simple as simple can be. If I do a little flat bump and I hit my head really hard, there's like a strange vibration, and I'm like "Oh my God, did I just have a concussion?" And a lot of times it's like a déjà vu sensation like I've been there before. Luckily it hasn't happened in about six months. But you can only be so careful.


"Thank God they've eliminated things like chair shots to the head, because that was just ridiculous. When we first started, everybody was taking chair shots to the head.

"The song also talks about suicidal thoughts. They haven't gotten to me yet. Basically, it's about my fear about developing CTE, and I think you can only get tested for that when you're dead. But I feel really good."

When you see someone like Daniel Bryan retiring or Chris Borland with the 49ers walking away after one year because of concussions, does that strike more of a chord with you?

"I mainly think of Junior Seau. I used to be a huge Chargers fan. He was the linebacker of all linebackers, and when I heard what happened to him, it was so sad. With Daniel Bryan ? when you see how much he loves pro wrestling and now is depressed about it, it's sad. It breaks my heart, and at the same time it scares me, because I know I could be in the same boat at any time in the future."

You've been doing some really creative stuff in TNA Impact Wrestling Series with the Deletion series. You've just filmed Total Non-Stop Deletion at the Hardy compound in North Carolina. Could you see yourself getting that kind of creative freedom in another promotion?


"It all began with The Final Deletion. ? We did some amazing stuff there? And now we did Apocolypto, which will be Total Nonstop Deletion. That was filmed on our property, and it's going to be the funnest wrestling show ever. I can guarantee that, because we did some wild stuff. It's one not to be missed for sure. I don't think we would get that creative liberty anywhere else, but I could be wrong.

"As far as I'm concerned, right now, I want to stay with something new and fresh instead of going back to something old that I've already been to and done a lot for and with. I don't think we can go wrong with staying at TNA and seeing where it goes in the future. Hopefully make it the best company that it can be."

There have been a ton of changes and a very public courtroom battle at TNA recently. Some reports say talents are being kept in the dark about a lot of things. What has this experience been like for you?

"It's very strange. Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins is a good friend of mine, and he loves pro wrestling. I understood that he was a huge investor, but evidently he's out now however that happened. They still haven't told us everything. There's some new management coming in. They're paying people and taking care of things. I'm not sure what's going to happen or where it's going to go. I'm just going to have faith in the company. Especially if they build the show around myself and Matt. I don't think they can go wrong with that.


"For them to trust us to just go out there and do what we do ? I can't complain with that. I love that."

Much more is contained in the interview, you can read it here.

