Jerry Lawler On Why He Was Removed From WWE Pre-Shows, Role Going Forward

As noted earlier, Jerry Lawler and Lita had been removed from pre-show duties, which eventually led to the shows being completely cut out of WWE's weekly schedule. Cerrito Live (Sports56 in Memphis, TN) interviewed Jerry Lawler yesterday and asked about what led up to his removal from the pre-shows. Lawler explained how Kevin Dunn makes a lot of the decisions when it comes to TV and that Dunn called him last week to talk about the pre-show.

"Dunn said that due to WWE being a public traded company, it comes down to dollars and cents." He said, "That having his salary being absorbed on the pre-show after he was taken off of Smackdown made it a very expensive to produce, so they decided to get rid of the pre-game show." Lawler continued, "Vince McMahon called the next day and said I'm definitely not done with WWE and reiterated that the pre-show was dropped due to cost reasons."

In terms of his future with the WWE, Lawler said "I'm under contract to WWE into January," and "that they will talk about a new deal then." Lawler went on to talk about how he's done well financially over the past few years, hopes to work on a history of Memphis wrestling project for the WWE Network in the future, and has a job for life as the Hall Of Fame Master Of Ceremonies.

You can listen to the full interview by clicking here (Lawler comes in around the 35 minute mark).

Source: PWInsider

