WWE '205 Live' Results (12/20): Neville And Brian Kendrick Vs. Rich Swann And TJ Perkins And More


WWE '205 LIVE'
From The Joe Louis Arena In Detroit, Michigan

The show opens with a recap video from Roadblock and Raw this past Sunday and Monday. The conclusion of The Cruiserweight Triple Threat Championship match, the return of Neville, and his recent attacks on Rich Swann and TJ Perkins. Leading into tonight's main event.

Mauro Ranallo, Corey Graves and Austin Aries are on commentary. They intro and hype tonight's main event.


Ariya Daivari vs. Lince Dorado

The "Persian Lion" vs. The Golden Lynx here. Reluctant handshake by Daivari prior to the start of this one. A hurricanrana by Dorado to kick things off.

Daivari gets the early advantage with a leaping neckreaker on Dorado. Daivari then hits a wicked hammerlock lariat on Dorado and covers him for a near fall.

Ariya then starts to work over Dorado on the mat. Lince is eventually able to get back to his feet and hits a pretty springboard stunner on Ariya.

The stunner sends Daivari to the outside floor. Dorado follows him out there by leaping onto him. Both men are down and struggle to get back into the ring. When they do, Dorado hits a flying cross body on Daivari. Lince then hits a springboard rana on Daivari. It nets him a near pinfall. Lince then takes Ariya to the top rope. Daivari fights back and knocks Dorado down to the mat. He then leaps off the top and frog splashes Dorado and pins him for the victory.


Ariya Daivari defeats Lince Dorado by pinfall

After the match. Dasha Fuentes enters the ring to interview Ariya Daivari. Ariya insults the audience for supporting Jack Gallagher. He says that he is not a gentleman but a scoundrel.

Neville is backstage and is approached by The Brian Kendrick. Neville interrupts Kendrick in mid sentence. Tells Brian that he respects him. That they were the ones who made cruiserweight wrestling. By wrestling 300 pound men and stealing the show. Neville tells Kendrick that they are only partners for tonight. That there is only room for one king of the cruiserweight division.

Preview video airs for the upcoming return of Tajiri to the WWE and the cruiserweight division.


Cedric Alexander w/Alicia Fox vs. Drew Gulak

Highlight is shown prior to the match of Noam Darr on Raw, stating that he wants to take away Alicia Fox away from Alexander.

Evenly contested match early on. With both men going tit for tat on the mat. Pace picks up in the match. Alexander hits several strikes on Drew Gulak. Gulak battles back and floors Cedric, when he throws him face first into the middle rope. He then applies a chinlock on Alexander. Tries to get a pinfall on him but Cedric kicks out. Gulak then whips into the corner, but Cedric counters with a double foot stomp.

Alexander has all the momentum now in the match. He hits a springboard enzugiri, and then follows that up with a springboard clothesline for a near fall.


The action goes to the outside when Alexander suplexes Gulak to the outside. When they get out there. Drew pushes Alexander inadvertently into Alicia Fox.

With Alicia ailing on the outside. Drew tries to capitalize and brings Alexander into the ring. As Drew is beating down on Cedric. Noam Darr comes to ringside and carries an injured Alicia Fox to the back. Meanwhile, Gulak rolls up Alexander and pulls the tights but Alexander still kicks out. Cedric recovers and hits the lumbar check on Gulak and pins him.

Cedric Alexander defeats Drew Gulak by pinfall

After the match, Cedric Alexander rushes to the backstage area to catch up to Darr and Alicia Fox. Dasha Fuentes approaches a defeated Drew Gulak at ringside. Drew blames his loss on Alicia Fox.


A Jack Gallagher profile video airs. After the video airs, We are backstage now. Alicia Fox is being attended to in the trainers room. She is with Noam Darr. Alexander runs into the room. Alicia has a twisted ankle. She says that she is grateful that Noam was there to help her. Noam tells Alicia that if she ever needs help. He will be there.

205 Live Main Event

"The Outlandish" Rich Swann & TJ Perkins vs. Neville & The Brian Kendrick

Austin Aries makes fun of TJ Perkins "Dabbing" prior to the match. Says that someone should tell him that a "little dab will do ya". Neville and Swann kick things off in this tag match. Neville brings the fight early to Swann. Showing a whole different side to his in ring persona. He's way more aggressive. Dating back to his heel days in NXT, but perhaps with a darker edge. Neville hits a basement dropkick to the back of Swann's head. He then proceeds to stomp him in the corner, and controls the early part of the match. He delivers a delayed vertical suplex on Rich Swann. Covers him for a 2 count. Neville continues to dominate the cruiserweight champion.


Rich Swann gets out of trouble when he blind tags TJ Perkins. Perkins flies into the match and on Neville. Brian Kendrick makes his way into the match. He and Neville briefly argue with each other. Perkins ends up hitting a spinning back kick to Kendrick.

TJ then tries to run at Kendrick in the corner. Kendrick kicks him in the face, then attempts to hit Sliced Bread but Perkins gets out of it. TJ sets up Kendrick in the tree of woe and then hits a delayed running dropkick into him. This nets Perkins a close fall on Kendrick. TJ then hits a springboard senton and covers for another cover on Kendrick but he kicks out. Brian Kendrick battles back and takes down Perkins. Rich Swann blind tags himself if but Kendrick intercepts him and beats him down for the next few minutes. Swann eventually builds up momentum but it is shut down when Kendrick hits him with the flatliner. Neville is in and he deadlifts Rich Swann. Hits a german bridge suplex on Swann, who kicks out. Swann is reeling, he sticks and moves. Neville attempts to leap out of danger but ends up getting hit with the Swann Song kick. Rich overs Neville and gets a 2 count.


Neville and Swann are both down. They both get up. Neville hits a lariat on Swann that turns him inside out. Both men are down again. They eventually get to their corners and tag in their partners. Perkins and Kendrick go at it. JTP wins the exchange by hitting the detonation kick and then gets Brian the the kneebar submission. Neville makes the save for his partner. By drop kicking Perkins in the head.

Chaotic action follows with all 4 men. Action on the inside and outside. Kendrick is able to lock in the captains hook on Swann but Perkins breaks up the hold. Neville beats down on Swann but he tags in TJ. Perkins then tries to take to the air and attack Neville. He leaps off the top rope but gets hit with an enzuigiri in mid air. It knocks him out cold. Kendrick hits the tope suicida on Swann. Neville heads to the top rope and hits The Red Arrow on Perkins. Covers TJ and pins him for the victory.


The Brian Kendrick and Neville defeat Rich Swann and TJ Perkins

Neville and Kendrick celebrate in ring to end the show.

