WWE Roadblock: Rich Swann Vs. TJ Perkins Vs. Brian Kendrick (Cruiserweight Championship)

The following is from our live coverage of WWE Roadblock. To access our full coverage, click here.

Rich Swann (c) vs. TJ Perkins vs. Brian Kendrick (Cruiserweight Championship Match)

Kendrick hit with a knee and sent out early. He returns the favor and sends Swann outside. Perkins drags Kendrick in, goes for a sunset flip, an early knee bar, but Kendrick slips out. Swann back in with an enziguri Kendrick. Double rana from the champ. Swann goes for a cover but no dice. Swann hits his flip miss of a whip and we have a standoff. Kendrick back in and locks in the Captain's Hook on the champ. TJP takes Kendrick out and locks in the knee bar. Swann with a splash that ends up hitting Perkins and all three slow to get up. Kendrick sends Swann to the corner, goes for Sliced Bread, countered by Swann. Perkins hits a super kick to prevent any covers. Knee bar from TJP to Swann as he crawls to the ropes but no break due to triple threat rules. Action goes all over the place, but culminates with two Swann Songs from the champ to his challenger for the three and title retention.


Winner via Pinfall & STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Rich Swann

After the match, Neville's music hits to a great pop. Great to see him in this picture. He immediately decks Swann and the rest of those in the ring. Reminds me of his NXT Championship reign. Neville continues to lay waste and stands above everyone in the ring before heading out.

