Brian Pillman's Son Reaches Out To Former WWE Superstar About Training For A Pro Wrestling Career

Brian Pillman Jr. recently reached out to Lance Storm about possibly training with him at his Storm Wrestling Academy in Canada. The 23 year old is currently living in Kentucky but is looking at getting into pro wrestling.

Brian Jr. was just three years old when his father passed away on October 5th, 1997. His death was caused by a previously undetected heart condition, arteriosclerotic heart disease, which also led to the death of his father several years before. As seen below, he tweeted Storm and mentioned talking with Steve Austin about Storm's training program. Also below are a few Instagram posts from the son of the former WCW Tag Team Champion.

I'm not the one for New Year Resolutions and goals because I can only hope that I will continue to set goals and achieve them at any time in my life, regardless of where our Earth is in relation to the sun lol. But if you are one of those people who had a rough year or maybe you had a good one but still feel like something was missing, I encourage you all to try yoga! It has filled many of the small holes in my life; whether you crave physical fitness, peace of mind, or just being a part of a community of open hearted people.... I truly believe yoga has something to offer everyone! #flyinto2017 with me and your first class at @modoyogagreatercincinnati is free! (limit one person per class) #fly #airplane #newyear #nye #flyinbrian

A photo posted by Brian Pillman (@flyinbrian41) on

