Matt Hardy Talks Wanting To Delete WWE Tag Teams, TNA Contract Note, Hardys Online Store Closing

Sportskeeda has an in-character interview with Matt Hardy here. During the interview, Hardy was asked about their plan for "total domination" as a tag team and how it was progressing.

"WONDERFULLY," Hardy said. "I will DELETE the Bucks of Youth on April 1st at ROH, and all of MeekMahan's tag teams will follow."

As noted, the TNA contracts for both Hardys were expiring this month, so they will expire this week if they haven't already. They are scheduled to face the Young Bucks at ROH Supercard of Honor XI on Saturday, April 1st in Lakeland, FL. Lakeland is about a 75 minute drive from Orlando, which is where WrestleMania 33 will be taking place the following night.

It was noted today that the Hardy's will be closing their online store, which has been operating for 5 years. Reby Hardy, who has been running the store, noted that she can't run it right now with being a mother and having another baby on the way, as seen below:

@KOllomani contributed to this article.

