Sasha Banks Gimmick Copied? (Photo), Biggest WWE Battle Royal Ever (Video), Birthdays
- Above is WWE's largest battle royal ever with 41 participants, which took place in 2011 with the winner getting a title shot of their choosing. The final two came down to The Miz and Randy Orton, Orton hit an RKO on the apron and just barely won with Miz hitting the floor first.
- Today, former ECW and WWE talent, Francine, turns 45. Also, former WWE talent, El Torito, turns 35. El Torito worked for WWE from 2013 until May of 2016 when he was released and is now working the independent wrestling scene.

- Sasha Banks posted a photo of her standing in front a Maybelline make-up stand with a very familiar looking image in the background. The advertisement says "Lash like a Boss" and has a woman holding up a "Boss" ring. Sasha tweeted this to Maybelline, Judge Judy, and Dr. Phil.
What the gimmick infringement is this @Maybelline ????? @JudgeJudy @DrPhil
— notorious SB (@SashaBanksWWE) February 19, 2017