Summer Rae Noticed Her Lack Of Merchandise, Former WWE Star Turns 48, Nikki Bella (Video)
- Above, Nikki Bella shows her reunion with Winston, who she hasn't seen in months since his new home is with Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan.
- Summer Rae tweeted out how she noticed the recently famous "Cash me outside" girl from Dr. Phil already has merchandise, but Summer still does not. Dealing with injuries, Summer Rae hasn't made an appearance since the brands split in July. Back in November, she talked a bout her rehab. Still no time frame for her return.
Just found out Cash Me Outside has merch & I still don't...
How bout dah?
? Summer Rae (@RealSummerWWE) February 16, 2017

- Today, Gangrel turns 48 years old. He's still active on the indie circuit and has made a number of sporadic appearances on WWE TV over the years. Below is a photo of him with Paige from yesterday.
Always good to see the knights! #fanginNbangin #ASW #gravesend
A post shared by david heath GANGREL (@gangreldavidheath) on