WWE 205 Live Results (2/21): Gallagher Vs. Nese, Kendrick Teaches Tozawa A Lesson, Dar Tops Ali

Welcome to the WrestlingINC.com Live Viewing Party for WWE 205 Live. Tonight's episode has been dubbed a "cruiserweight showcase." Matches include:

- Gallagher vs. Nese
- Dar vs. Ali
- Kendrick vs. Tozawa


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- We open with a look back at the contract signing for the WWE Cruiserweight Title between the challenger Gentleman Jack Gallagher and champ Neville.

- The announce team welcomes us to the show and hypes tonight's card as well as the title match at WWE Fastlane. Let's head to the ring for the first match of the evening.


Brian Kendrick vs. Akira Tozawa

Tozawa receives a very Japanese crowd-esque golf clap upon his entrance, mouth guard in tow. Tozawa refuses the insincere handshake and Tozawa goes full speed ahead. Tozawa screams "I don't need you" as he hits some ground and pound and his trademark yelps. Kendrick cowers a right only to get hit with the left. The wily vet not to be outdone able to get the upper hand. He removes the top of the electronic ring post and slaps Tozawa's head into the side of the LED board. Back in the ring into a cover and a two. Kendrick goes for the Captain's Hook but can't get it locked in. Suplex from Kendrick for a two count. Kendrick slows the pace. Tozawa runs the ropes only to get caught with a Kendrick boot. Captain's Hook locked in, but Tozawa gets a hand underneath to prevent the full effect. Tozawa able to get Kendrick sent to the outside to set up his suicide diving headbutt. Always a man with a plan, Kendrick locks Tozawa's foot inside part of the ring. This leads to a count-out victory for Kendrick.

Winner via Count-Out: Brian Kendrick

- After Tozawa's foot gets unlocked, the official apologizes. We go backstage with Tom Phillips who catches up with Kendrick. The former champ says he's teaching Tozawa lessons. The first was the beat down on RAW, the other was tonight's match. He says he's not done teaching Tozawa lessons.


- Dasha Fuentes backstage with a shiner-bearing Noam Dar. He's asked about the comments Rich Swann made last week about Alicia Fox. He says he's not uncomfortable with the comments and Swann should be the one uncomfortable. Dasha points out that Fox isn't here tonight and Dar says there's no trouble in paradise.

Noam Dar vs. Mustafa Ali

They shake hands, which is still a thing, and we get a bit of chain wrestling out of the gate. Dar rolls out to regroup. Ali takes to the air with an escape and hits a beautiful drop kick. Back outside Dar goes. Upon return, a kick to the gut gets momentary advantage for Dar, but Ali doesn't let it last long. Cool spot as Ali hits a Tope Con Jiro over top of the ref and connects with the Scotsman. Ali gets tripped up on the apron. Dar distracts the official and heads to the outside to inflict more damage. Dar with some painful submission work on the arms of Ali.

Pin reversals lead to a basement drop kick and the crowd gets behind Ali. Roll-through neck breaker hits for a long two count. Dar out on his feet, but turns into a possum and rolls up Ali for a short count. Tornado DDT from Ali but unable to cover. Ali on the second rope and hooks Dar. The Supernova fights out and Ali crashes into the ring post. Shining Wizard from Dar gets the three count and victory.


Winner via Pinfall: Noam Dar

- They go to introduce a video package for an upcoming superstar. Aries stops Graves, and introduces...Austin Aries!

- Mike Rome catches up with Neville after last night's contract signing. Neville says he would have been happy to swat the mosquito away, but he laid his hand on the king and now has his undivided attention.

- Dasha Fuentes asks Gallagher about his match tonight. He says declare this a preview of how he will take the WWE Cruiserweight Championship; technique, footwork, and a great mustache.

Jack Gallagher vs. Tony Nese

Nese with some snazzy new gear and titantron colors. Strength vs. Technique early on as Gallagher needs some cheese and mustard for the pretzel he just turned Nese into. Nese throws Gallagher into the corner, but the gentleman takes a quick rest in a headstand. Double leg from Nese regains advantage and uses a kick to separate a not-so-clean break. Nese nearly takes Gallagher's mustache off and sends him outside. The Russian judge gives Nese an 8.5 for the cartwheel and a perfect 10 for the super kick that followed. Back in the ring and Nese grinds away with ground and pound and cuts Gallagher's air off with the body scissors.

Jack sent into the corner and takes a spill from the force. Body slam and jumping leg drop to Gallagher for a two. Nese talks some trash and seems to fire up the gentleman. A pair of drop kicks and running cross body for a two. Roll up for another two. First headbutt from Jack doesn't do much. Series of pin attempts. Another smashing headbutt knocks them both silly and the count begins. Gallagher gathers himself and finds Nese in the corner and looks for the running drop kick. Nese smartly slips out of harm's way. Nese sends Gallagher sitting on the top rope and he joins him. Another headbutt drapes Nese into the Tree of Woe. Nese powers back up and hits a German to send Gallagher down. Nese still in the tree but rises up once again. Nese heads up top, but Jack clubs him down. Both men up top and Gallagher hits a Superplex. Running drop kick is on the button this time and Gallagher grabs the win ahead of his championship match.


Winner via Pinfall: Jack Gallagher

