John Cena Talks WWE Gaming Community, Groom Channels Triple H At Wedding (Video), HHH Responds
- Pakistani businessman Kichoo Ahmer's entrance at his wedding in Pakistan has been going viral. Ahmer channeled Triple H for his entrance, as seen in the video above. Triple H commented on the entrance, writing on Twitter:
Could only imagine what the honeymoon was like!!!
? Triple H (@TripleH) March 6, 2017

- As noted, John Cena has been working with Nintendo to promote their new Nintendo Switch console. Cena spoke with GQ about the console and his gaming skills.
"Make no bones about it, I'm a 40-year-old dude," Cena said. "My best gaming days were back in the days of Tecmo Super Bowl and Baseball Stars and the original Super Mario Brothers. I played Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – I haven't played Zelda since the gold-cartridged [NES] Zelda. I thought games had passed me by, but the game just eases you into its difficulty ... It's just really fun, man."
Cena also admitted that WWE has a huge gaming community, but noted that "it's so competitive, and I'm like, a dinosaur, I stay more on the outskirts, I really don't get involved."