Sami Zayn On If He Will Have A Match At WrestleMania, Goldberg Squashing Kevin Owens, SmackDown
Former NXT Champion Sami Zayn was recently interviewed by The Mirror to give a status about his role for WrestleMania. He also discussed his move up to the main roster, feud with Samoa Joe and more.
Here are the highlights:
His involvement for WrestleMania 33:
"To be honest I really don't know. This time of year is so crazy and WrestleMania is so big and there are always these marquee matches, so real estate is really tight on WrestleMania. So I don't know what I will be doing. Right now I'm involved with Samoa Joe, whether that will carry on to WrestleMania, I really don't know, it remains to be seen. The card for WrestleMania is always changing."
Feelings on Goldberg defeating Kevin Owens in 21 seconds:
"I'm pretty split on this really, because a part of me obviously resents Kevin. There's a lot of history, it's a pretty volatile relationship ? especially where we're at now. But at the same time look... this is still a guy that's worked 15 years to come this close to being in the main event of WrestleMania and having it slip through his fingers right before it happens? part of me is glad it happened, but part of me feels like it sucks.
"It sucks for him, because he came real close and he held that Universal Championship for a long time, then when you come that close to actually defending it at WrestleMania, you kind of fall right before the finish line. This is still a guy I've known for 15 years, a guy who worked his ass off to get to where he is, so it kind of sucks to see that happen."

Possible move to SmackDown Live:
"I really don't know if I have a preference. In some ways, going to SmackDown Live would be really cool. I feel like there are a lot of good opponents for me and I think there is a lot of opportunity there. I can really see myself being in a pretty good spot up there, even wrestling for the WWE Championship. But I feel like if I left tomorrow, assuming that the draft is tomorrow, I'd feel a little incomplete. I'd feel like there was more that I could have accomplished on Raw.
"I like to leave each place better than I left it so I'd like to do more on Raw and make Raw a better place and accomplish more on Raw before I can even start thinking of going to SmackDown. That's just the way that the chips fall and if I end up on SmackDown, I'd be happy to be there but I'd still feel like I had more to accomplish on Raw."
Zayn also talked about competing at his first WrestleMania last year, as well as his epic match against Shinsuke Nakamura the night before. You can view the full interview by clicking here.
Source: Mirror