The Miz On If The Big Show Is Ducking Shaq (Video), Roman Reigns Note, Big Cass Talks Reading
- As seen in the video above, TMZ Sports recently caught up with The Miz and asked him about the Big Show vs. Shaquille O'Neal match falling through and if it was The Big Show that was backing out of the match.
"I don't think Big Show would back out," Miz said. "I can't see him backing out of anything, especially for WrestleMania, which is the biggest event of the year."
- Roman Reigns will be appearing at the Chicago World of Wheels at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Chicago, IL this Saturday from 4 to 7 p.m. You can get more details at

- As noted, Big Cass, Carmella and Darren Young read to elementary school children yesterday to celebrate Read Across America Day. WKMG in Orlando ran the story below regarding the event, which features comments from Big Cass.
"Reading is difficult, and we just wanted them to know we had the same struggles as them," Cass said.