Triple H On NXT Being "Stripmined" After The Draft, Why He Was Unhappy With Where NXT Was At

Wrestling Inc. was on hand for Triple H's conference call this morning, where he promoted next Saturday's NXT Takeover: Orlando event. At the last conference call in January, I had asked Triple H if there has been any talk about possibly airing an NXT Takeover special on the USA Network.

"When you have a network, and you're trying to create value for that network, and give people reasons to have it, you have to weigh that heavily," Triple H said in January. "I think NXT has the potential to be a lot of things. Where it sits is not 100% my decision. I know those conversations have happened... I'm not happy with where it [NXT] is right now by far. I want it to be much better than it is, but it's a rebuilding process. All these things going on, they all make changes in the ecosystem. Where everything lands at the end of the day is a moving target."

On today's call, Triple H clarified those remarks, noting that he'll never be happy with the product because you always want it to be better than what it is.

"I want to make sure I'm clear on this, that unhappiness had nothing to do with talent," Triple H said. "That unhappiness had to do with my end, with creative, our production, with all of it. There were reasons for all of it. NXT and the Performance Center were designed to create a lot of things. It was designed to create everything that we do, not just in-ring performers. It did that, and it did it very well. As those people were moved up to take on different and maybe bigger responsibilities within the company, it sort of stripmined NXT.

"So at about the same time that we lost a lot of our performers – with the Draft, we lost our entire women's division with the exception of Asuka. We had to start over in many ways, but we also did that behind the scenes, we kind of had to start over. So when I say I'm unhappy about the product, I'm happy with where we had brought it to. As NXT came up and changed, things that worked got adopted by the main roster and the things that worked got moved up and we had to re-invent ourselves. I just didn't have the team ... we just got caught. I'm much happier where we are now, not because it's where I want it to be, but because I'm on a path to get there."

You can listen to the call in the audio player below, his comments about clarifying his remarks about not being happy with where NXT was at is at the 6:30 mark:

