Triple H Prepares For In-Ring Return Tonight (Video), 8 WrestleMania Rematches, Titus O'Neil Honored
- With Brock Lesnar facing Goldberg at WrestleMania 33 (and John Cena once again finding himself across the ring from The Miz at the event), WWE posted the video above looking at the 8 WrestleMania rematches that have happened so far: The Rock vs. John Cena, The Rock vs. Steve Austin (who had three matches), Triple H vs. The Undertaker (who also had three matches), The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker vs. Kane, Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna, Edge & Christian vs. The Hardyz vs. The Dudleys and Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant.
- The Tampa Bay Lightning honored Titus O'Neil as the 32nd Lightning Community Hero of the 2016-17 season during the first period of last night's game versus the Minnesota Wild. Titus, who received a $50,000 donation from the Lightning Foundation and the Lightning Community Heroes program, will donate the money to the United Way Suncoast, Wheel Chairs for Kids, Academy Prep and Unsigned Preps Inc.

- As noted, Triple H and Finn Balor will be returning to action this weekend for a pair of RAW live events. Both stars are scheduled for tonight's live event in Buffalo, NY and Saturday's show in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We would appreciate a report for these shows, so if you are attending one, please send us a report by clicking here.
Triple H posted his final midnight workout video before tonight's live event, as seen below:
Last #MidnightWorkout before @WWE Live in #WWEBuffalo & #WWEToronto...
10yrd 325lb Sled sprints @StephMcMahon @DeFrancosGym Triple H (@TripleH) March 10, 2017