Bill Demott Talks His Sad Wrestlemania Moment, His Favorite Part Of WCW, NXT Evolving
Former WCW and WWE Superstar Bill Demott recently spoke to Hannibal TV to discuss his time in the business. You can check out the highlights here:
His favorite part about WCW:
"Here's my favorite part about WCW, and that's today. We get the talk, I saw the Steiners, I saw Luger, I see everybody under the sun. And for a bunch of guys back then never hung out, and occasionally butted heads – you know how it was. Everybody was working and trying to get somewhere. This is my favorite time of WCW, cause all these guys are sitting here like a bunch of old men, happy to see each other alive and well."
Debuting at Wrestlemania:
"We debuted in the SkyBox, the darkened out SkyBox in the Houston Astrodome. I think it was Houston. There was 10 of us who got called when the buyout happened, I tell this story all the time, Shawn Stasiak still gets mad at me for telling it but I know in his mind he didn't do something wrong, but the night before we were supposed to debut in the ring with Shane McMahon at Wrestlemania, one of us did an interview (Stasiak) and gave all the names away, and we got fired that morning. John Laurinaitis called my room and said 'what the hell is going on?' We all got fired. But they decided to flew us out there so they took us in the back alley, we walked up the stairs in the Houston SkyBox, Shane stood in the ring alone and said there are my people. We were all pissed off and just sat there with cheese and crackers while everybody else had martinis and filet mignon. There was no beer. If there was one beer to be had, I think Sean O'Haire was gonna beat somebody's ass. That was my Wrestlemania moment."

Seeing the NXT Superstars he used to train be such a big part of Wrestlemania now:
"You look across the board at just the past 10 years or so that I've been fortunate enough to be a part of the program, and started the Performance Center down here with Triple H. You got Kevin Owens, and Charlotte. You go across the board now and there's nothing better than to know you had something to do with somebody. I'm proud of them all, NXT is taking off to be this unbelievable brand."
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Hannibal TV with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.
Source: Hannibal TV