Hurricane Helms On New TNA Management, 3 Count Still Being Mentioned, His Wrestlemania Moments

Former WWE Superstar Gregory Hurricane Helms was recently interviewed by Hannibal TV. You can check out some highlights from their conversation here:

His thoughts on the new TNA management:

"So far I haven't had any problems with them, I haven't had any past dealings with the old management either so I'm still kind of the new kid on the block. I'm also one of those guys that's really easy to work with, so if you have problems with me at this point I'm just gonna assume it's the other person."


3 Count still being mentioned today:

"I think the thing that just confirms it stood the test of time is that all these years later – we were only 3 Count for like nine or then months. It's not like we had this big long run as 3 count; but all these years later at these conventions there are always people that either have 3 Count merchandise, a story – For a gimmick that didn't last that long it has kind of lasted and followed me throughout my career. Last night me and Shannon Moore were in a battle royal at the same time and the 3 Count chants started, so if the 3 Count chants come we have to do the 3 Count dance so we did."

His favorite Wrestlemania moment:

"My favorite career wise was – I got two – I won the Hardcore title at Wrestlemania so winning a title at Mania is always something good to have on the resume. Then in Detroit the opening match was myself and Chavo against Carlito and Ric Flair. So being in the ring with Ric Flair in front of 83,000 people at a Wrestlemania, for a little kid from North Carolina, that was a big moment for me."


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Hannibal TV with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

Source: Hannibal TV

