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Justin Roberts On Shock To Undertaker's Streak Ending, Not Receiving His Cue, Roman Reigns - 'Taker

Recently, WINC President Raj Giri caught up with former WWE ring announcer Justin Roberts. Among many other things, Roberts shared his experience announcing current WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar's monumental victory over The Undertaker at WrestleMania 30. Also, Roberts talked about whether ending the streak was a misstep by WWE creative and whether Roman Reigns adding another notch in the loss column on The Undertaker's WrestleMania record was another mistake.

During the interview, Roberts recalled thinking that Lesnar getting the pinfall on The Undertaker at WrestleMania 30 was unintentional and described the capacity crowd's stunned reaction as "really weird".

"I thought it was a mistake. I really did. My stomach dropped when the referee counted to three. I really thought it was a mistake and the bell was rung and I looked over at the person ringing the bell and thought, were you supposed to ring that bell? Normally I receive my cue after the bell to make my announcement but there was no cue. I look over at him and my stomach is still on the floor and a minute later I was cued to make the announcement, and making it was so strange because it wasn't going to be something that was going to be cheered or get booed, but everyone in the crowd including myself was wondering if it was supposed to happen, like they are not cheering or booing, it was just confusion, so when I got the cue to make the announcement I said, here's your winner, the winner of this match, Brock Lesnar, it didn't get a cheer or a boo, just a weird reaction, probably one of the weirdest announcements I ever called."

When asked by Giri whether ending The Undertaker's epic WrestleMania undefeated streak was a creative mistake, Roberts responded in the affirmative.

"Yeah for sure. With a streak like that, why are you going to end it? If you are going to end it, why give it to somebody who doesn't need that? Brock doesn't need that, Brock is a beast."

With that said, Roberts has no qualms with Reigns defeating The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33 if the match truly was 'The Deadman”s last ride.

"If that was his last match, yeah, for sure. You put somebody who is an up and coming guy over. Losing isn't a thing anymore since the streak was broken."

The interview drops right here on WrestlingINC next week. You can purchase Roberts' great new book, Best Seat in the House: Your Backstage Pass through My WWE Journey, for only $20.39 at Amazon.com.

