Jinder Mahal On Vince McMahon And John Cena Helping Him, When His Physical Transformation Started

Indian Express has a new interview with WWE Champion Jinder Mahal. Below are a couple of highlights:

His physical transformation:

"The physical transformation had started before I came back to WWE. Two months before I resigned with WWE I decided just out of nowhere that I will start dieting, to work on my body and train harder. I started focusing more. Two months later WWE called me back to resign. That was not a co-incidence but the universe telling me that I am ready."

His uncle, who wrestled as Gama Singh, helping him:

"He taught me a lot with all his experience. A lot of other guys helped along the way; Vince McMahon has helped me tremendously. The Big Show and Mark Henry and even John Cena helped me along my journey. I want to repay their faith and hopefully this is first of the many WWE titles to come."

Jinder also discussed the effect of his title win in India, his diet and more. You can read the full interview by clicking here.

Source: Indian Express

