Match Added To Impact Wrestling (Video), Earl Hebner's Birthday, Brandi Rhodes Vs. Angelina Love

- As noted, the Impact Wrestling Xplosion program that airs internationally recently received a facelift with a new look, new feel, opener and theme song. Above is the latest US Xplosion exclusive match with Angelina Love taking on Brandi Rhodes, which apparently was taped before the changes were implemented. The changes went into effect for international broadcasts this past weekend.


- Impact Hall of Famer Earl Hebner turns 68 years old today.

- Kongo Kong vs. Braxton Sutter has been added to this Thursday's Impact Wrestling episode. Laurel Van Ness will be at ringside with Kong while Allie will be at ringside with Sutter.

As noted, Impact will also feature Ultimate X with Division Champion Low Ki vs. Trevor Lee vs. Andrew Everett, Ethan Carter III vs. James Storm and a GFW Tag Team Title tournament match with Laredo Kid & Garza Jr. vs. Impact Tag Team Champions The LAX.

Below is a promo for Kong vs. Sutter:


