Matt Hardy Calls Out Impact Wrestling President, NXT Star Receives Name Change, Big E - Jimmy Uso

- Above is UpUpDownDown's latest Gamer Gauntlet featuring Big E facing Jimmy Uso in UFC 2. The intensity of the fight got to Jimmy though and Big E was able to grind out a win.

- At NXT's event in St. Petersburg, Dylan Miley was introduced as Lars Sullivan and his Twitter handle was also changed to "LarsWWE." Sullivan made an appearance on NXT TV in April when he (and Michael Richard Blaze) lost to DIY. After the match, an angry Sullivan beat up his own tag partner.


- Matt Hardy retweeted a fan who called out Impact Wrestling for trying to keep Matt's "Broken" gimmick. In his retweet, Hardy included Impact Wrestling President, Ed Nordholm, saying Nordholm wants to keep his creation:

